Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yet another discovery

I was checking out my own blog and played with the hamburger phone. Either I hadn't played with it before or they've changed it! Click on the phone and then the different buttons gives you different sound clips from Juno. I have the EXACT shirt in number four! I had a very big smile playing with the hamburger phone. =) passers-by think I'm bi-polar when they read my blog?

I saw a bunch of secoundary school girls playing monopoly at the playground downstairs this afternoon. Why have I never thought of that? I want to play board games too.. I want to play that one where you have many many characters on little plastic tabs and you have to ask the other person questions to eliminate the non-murderers, like is it a man or woman? blond hair? mustache? What's that game called? Guess who?

Me loves our library!

From 1 July 2009, basic library members will be able to borrow up to 6 items, inclusive of a maximum of 2 audio visual items.

I can borrow audio books!

When it's late at night

Methinks, when I start getting paranoid and worried about stuff, I really should go to sleep..

And I should spend my time on better things like Restaurant City.... Oh been listening to bbc radio 1. Funny stuff. XD

Monday, July 13, 2009


Piece of SHIT!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

MJ Sighting

Just read an msn article about Michael Jackson's ghost appearing in a CNN segment in Neverland and went to find it on youtube.

I was trying not to freak out because of the music and I ended up laughing. Oops.

And then there were a couple attempted explanations..

Monday, July 06, 2009

Interesting readings

Reading MJ articles online. Poor man. Although I don't know what is true and what is not. This article, How Jackson's surgery was a desperate bid not to look like the father he hated, suggested that his weird behaviour started out for publicity.

As for the whole Wacko Jacko image, that was less an invention of the media than of his own - until it spiralled beyond a joke and beyond his control.
To begin with, though, it was carefully nurtured to boost his career. He understood that to sell records he needed to stay in the public eye.

For a while, this strategy of selfpromotion was brilliantly successful as Jackson convinced himself that he could manipulate his image and control how he was portrayed.

Throughout the Eighties, he dreamt up bizarre stunts and stories that were leaked to the Press.

One favourite ploy was to use outlandish disguises on conspicuously extravagant shopping trips. Once, he popped into a Los Angeles chemist's in an Afro wig and dark glasses, and asked to buy a sex toy. It was hardly a surprise when the story made all the newspapers.

He also told the world that he slept in an oxygen chamber that would enable him to live to be 150. It was a complete fiction, but word of Michael's latest wacky exploit spread round the globe, helping to sell more records on the way.

But the danger of this drive for self-promotion was that it became open season for any invented story. Reports appeared that he had seen John Lennon's ghost and was speaking chimp language to his pet ape Bubbles.

Since he refused to give any interviews in an effort to maintain his inscrutability, the stories spread without contradiction or explanation.

Jackson's carefully nurtured image spun out of his control. He became a victim of the weird mythology he had set out to create.

And then it goes on about how his sick bastard of a father traumatised him when he was younger.

To teach his sons not to leave their window open at night, he'd climb into their bedroom screaming, his face hidden by a mask, pretending to be a burglar. For years, Michael and his brother Marlon had nightmares of being kidnapped from their beds.

It's a long article. The last part was subtitled "Stripped of all dignity", which was about the investigations for the first allegations, in which they had to check if the boy's description of his body was true. It was not. Were those bastard accusers punished for putting an innocent man through that trauma? I hope that boy is hated by everybody all his life.

Other articles I read:
Lisa Marie Presley said he was a passionate lover. So what WAS the truth about Jackson's sexuality?
'Michael was obsessed with Diana Ross, but his mother feared she would corrupt him...'
Revealed: Michael Jackson's revenge from beyond the grave...

If not for his children, I would say maybe it's not that bad for him to be away from all this shit. The mother/ex-wife is claiming that he's not the biological father? Even if that's true, so what? His biological father was an asshole to him. Blood ties are over-rated. He loves his children and that makes him their father. If the mothers were not part of the children's lives at all I don't see why they should be with the mothers. But of course I don't know what really happened and people make up stories all the time so whatever. Nobody's reading this anyway right?

Why am I having trouble uploading pictures?

Michael Jackson's children were banned from looking in mirrors and had their toys thrown away each night. So what kind of father was Jacko?

The grandparents could see that all three children openly adored their father. 'If I could spend all my time with Daddy, I would do it,' Prince told Katherine. 'I think he's the best daddy in the whole world.'

Others saw the change that came over Michael Jackson. His eldest son was with him at a recording studio and spilled some popcorn on the floor. A producer - the sort who normally lived in awe of the temperamental superstar - bent over to clean it up, but Michael intervened.

'No, let me,' he said, apologetically. 'He's my kid. I'll clean up after him.'

Then, according to the producer: 'I looked down and there's Michael Jackson on his hands and knees picking up his son's popcorn. I'm not sure you would see Madonna doing that.'

Aw, so sweet.. His daughter was born in April too. =P

Might his family one day lament their childhoods, just as their father - caught up in showbusiness from the age of four - did his? He anticipated this in a speech he once gave for a children's charity.

He wondered out loud whether his children might come to resent him and the choices he made for them when they were young. 'Why weren't we given a normal childhood like other kids?' they might ask.

He had his answer. 'At that moment, I pray they will give me the benefit of the doubt. That they will say to themselves, our daddy did the best he could, given the unique circumstances he faced.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

More kaypohing

Saw some pictures on abcnews. And watched the Scream video a few more times. =P I feel like hugging my comp screen because I like the video so much. Same when watching Barney/NPH too. =P

Having some trouble uploading the pictures though..

An obsession building up

Yah..same topic. I might unconsciously be a fan of MJ. Hmm.. I remember one time in JC this classmate was saying something presumably bad about MJ, I don't remember what, and I think she saw that I wasn't amused or maybe even had a black face, and she added that "but" she likes to watch his old videos of his dances. "Mesmerising" is very apt, Moivres! High five! And then the year he had that new song in the Invincible album, a friend said that she didn't like the song because she was turned off by his pedophile image. Wtf. I think anybody who believes he's guilty is either full of shit or ignorant. I don't think it was a fantastic song but that reason is total BS. I think I did verbally show that I was pissed off. But she listens mainly to Chinese music so she probably doesn't know his music very well anyway.

I feel guilty when I catch myself feeling happy about some little things and then I think of MJ. Hmm.. Anyway, yesterday I was in gramaphone at Cathay and I went to find his albums out of curiosity. Wanted to see if they were all sold out. Surprisingly, they were not. And the place is having a clearance sale too. Has been for months though. There were about 4 copies of The Essential Michael Jackson and 3 copies of Michael Jackson Number Ones. I know I have the Essential one but I didn't remember what were in it so I looked at both of them. I wonder why the Number Ones are selling better in America. The Essential one has twice the number of songs. It's more expensive of course. It was around $28 and the other one was $16.95. I was surprised the one I have has so many songs so I started listening to it. I'm still at disc 1, and heard the songs about 4 times already. And I was out half the day today.

I wish I had heard the songs when they just came out rather than listening to them knowing they were hits. Feels like I'm cheating.. Ok I think too much. Anyway, I love the songs Ben, Blame It On The Boogie, ABC, Rockin' Robin (partly because of How I Met Your Mother), Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) and Off The Wall.

Interruption. This is quite funny. Saw it on a tweet. "Hitler finds out Michael Jackson has died."

I was watching videos of MJ on youtube ahem, at work, yesterday. Put the mouse over the tab on the toolbar and this one square inch pop up will show the window. Even from that little space I still enjoyed watching him dance. He was so sexy! He reminded me that I wanted to learn tap dance. Maybe after I have a more stable career. He's so different when he's performing. So dynamic, sexy, etc. And when he's giving interviews he's seems shy. Oh I read that he feels most comfortable onstage. He wished that he could sleep on the stage. Why would they not bury him in Neverland since he basically designed the whole place exactly how he wanted it to be? I wouldn't mind spending eternity in Neverland. All the rides!

I read that a few of his fans committed suicide after his death. Well, that's not going to reflect well on anyone.. Maybe they wanted to join him. Can't see in life then try in death. I think a better tribute would be to excel in whatever you do and attribute it to the inspiration of MJ. His and Heath Ledger's deaths do inspire me to try to be like them-be one of the best in their industries. I aim for the stars but the clouds will do just fine lah. I'm still unfortunately very nua.. I still very much want to meet all these famous people when I die! I will buy a nice notebook and pen to be burnt with me so I can collect their autographs. The two of you reading my blog must remember this! In case nobody reads this I must tell people personally..

Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)

Blame It On The Boogie

Friday, July 03, 2009

Being merely normal

I've been listening to MJ songs. Yes, just like many people around. How unoriginal.. Bleah. Watching his videos and news, reading articles about him, etc made me more sad about his departure. I saw this picture a couple days ago of him during rehearsal and it quoted the photographer saying it looked like the old Michael Jackson magic was back and he looked happy and excited. It's horrible then that all his efforts for this last tour went to waste. And are there talks that he was recording new songs? His last album didn't do very well right? That one in 2001? Invincible? Did the accusations disrupt his career? I have no idea. I wish I was in a more angmoh family..then I would have known about him sooner, I think.

I can't remember where I read that so I got this picture from msn.

Oh and he was considering going into fashion too. I was trying to recall if he had any favourite colours and it occurred to me today that most of his clothes are black, white and red, and lots of sequins and sparkles. My favourite colours too! Of course I would add green to that mix. And I'm not into so much bling. But I like his sparkly silver/white socks.

His dances are reeally entertaining.. So different from the impression I've had for the last several years, which is pale and stick-thin frail. He had so much angst and energy in his hey days! Very impressive. What happened? So wasted..

Most of the youtube videos have disabled embedding. But I remember this Black or White video. The changing faces part was very memorable. Even though I wasn't into English music at that time, I still remember seeing this video. Must have been so popular that it was shown a lot. Didn't know it had the little boy from Home Alone (don't remember how to spell his name) and Tyra Banks. The last part without the song was just a weee bit pointless for me. It's just him dancing what.. Not that it wasn't good, just wasn't really related to the song. It was cut out of the video apparently, because uh..too much touching. Ha..

Another video that I love is Scream that he did with his sister Janet. Before I swoon, can I just say that he's a very sweet brother? I remember watching this documentary or something very long time ago where he said that he and Janet had, separately, the idea of adding military factors into their own music videos at around the same time. And he was like, aw she's my little sister so you know..and he let her use that idea for her video. This Sream video is reportedly the most expensive video to date - heard it on ET just a few days ago - SEVEN MILLION dollars. I think because he's a great brother and wanted to do something nice for his little sister. sweet.

Oh yay it allows me to embed here.

I think he's soo PRETTY in this video. In my head I just keep thinking omG he's so pretty here. Ha.. A lot prettier than his sister. Sadly plastic surgery doesn't age well with the person.. I like the song when I heard it on his album and now I like it even more because of the video. It's my ringtone now. =)