Friday, July 03, 2009

Being merely normal

I've been listening to MJ songs. Yes, just like many people around. How unoriginal.. Bleah. Watching his videos and news, reading articles about him, etc made me more sad about his departure. I saw this picture a couple days ago of him during rehearsal and it quoted the photographer saying it looked like the old Michael Jackson magic was back and he looked happy and excited. It's horrible then that all his efforts for this last tour went to waste. And are there talks that he was recording new songs? His last album didn't do very well right? That one in 2001? Invincible? Did the accusations disrupt his career? I have no idea. I wish I was in a more angmoh family..then I would have known about him sooner, I think.

I can't remember where I read that so I got this picture from msn.

Oh and he was considering going into fashion too. I was trying to recall if he had any favourite colours and it occurred to me today that most of his clothes are black, white and red, and lots of sequins and sparkles. My favourite colours too! Of course I would add green to that mix. And I'm not into so much bling. But I like his sparkly silver/white socks.

His dances are reeally entertaining.. So different from the impression I've had for the last several years, which is pale and stick-thin frail. He had so much angst and energy in his hey days! Very impressive. What happened? So wasted..

Most of the youtube videos have disabled embedding. But I remember this Black or White video. The changing faces part was very memorable. Even though I wasn't into English music at that time, I still remember seeing this video. Must have been so popular that it was shown a lot. Didn't know it had the little boy from Home Alone (don't remember how to spell his name) and Tyra Banks. The last part without the song was just a weee bit pointless for me. It's just him dancing what.. Not that it wasn't good, just wasn't really related to the song. It was cut out of the video apparently, because uh..too much touching. Ha..

Another video that I love is Scream that he did with his sister Janet. Before I swoon, can I just say that he's a very sweet brother? I remember watching this documentary or something very long time ago where he said that he and Janet had, separately, the idea of adding military factors into their own music videos at around the same time. And he was like, aw she's my little sister so you know..and he let her use that idea for her video. This Sream video is reportedly the most expensive video to date - heard it on ET just a few days ago - SEVEN MILLION dollars. I think because he's a great brother and wanted to do something nice for his little sister. sweet.

Oh yay it allows me to embed here.

I think he's soo PRETTY in this video. In my head I just keep thinking omG he's so pretty here. Ha.. A lot prettier than his sister. Sadly plastic surgery doesn't age well with the person.. I like the song when I heard it on his album and now I like it even more because of the video. It's my ringtone now. =)

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