Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yet another discovery

I was checking out my own blog and played with the hamburger phone. Either I hadn't played with it before or they've changed it! Click on the phone and then the different buttons gives you different sound clips from Juno. I have the EXACT shirt in number four! I had a very big smile playing with the hamburger phone. =) passers-by think I'm bi-polar when they read my blog?

I saw a bunch of secoundary school girls playing monopoly at the playground downstairs this afternoon. Why have I never thought of that? I want to play board games too.. I want to play that one where you have many many characters on little plastic tabs and you have to ask the other person questions to eliminate the non-murderers, like is it a man or woman? blond hair? mustache? What's that game called? Guess who?


cheryl said...

yes it's called guess who. my dad recently got it out of the store room when we were clearing the place, ready to either give to my little cousins or throw away. you want it? :P and if i'm not wrong, you can only ask yes/no qns when playing that game! i think anyway... not that it really matters anyhow..

xx said...

isn't it called Cluedo?

yevil said...

If nobody wants it I don't mind taking it. =) I was reading a blog where her son asked qns like, does he look funny.

No, Cluedo is more complicated. Have to guess where, who, how, etc the murder occurred.