Monday, October 26, 2009


Okto is now showing a documentary about this indian girl who cries blood. If that ever happens to me I think I'll cry even more and then there'll be more blood. Omg, Nightmare. Thank goodness they're talking about finding out why this is happening and they are going temples and pilgrimages etc, i.e. no more blood scenes. Otherwise I wouldn't want to watch it anymore. I don't even want to think about it.

Oh god, blood on her face. Switching channels. Still need to take out my contact lenses later.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Unfortunate Names

Just saw this article about a guy whose name is Harry Potter and he's the same age as Daniel Radcliffe too.

Mr Potter said: 'When I got my job in the bank, they couldn't believe that I was telling the truth on my application form.
'I'm the only person in the building who doesn't have to use my full name when I'm talking on the phone.

'Beginning a phone conversation with the mention of my name is never a good start - it distracts people too much.'

Read more:

I think the best part in this article is this comment below the article:

You're not going to get any sympathy from me, imagine my dismay when my mum married my new French step dad Antoine Le Froge
- Kermit, NY, 22/10/2009 09:28

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Horror

I just found a strand of white hair while running through to untangle and then checking that there were no more tangles. Lo and behold. I pulled it out and it is white all the way through. And my hair is quite long too. ARGH. Ooolddd.... *Cue the scene from Freaky Friday where Jamie Lee Curtis looked in the mirror after mother and daughter switched bodies.

My third ever strand of white hair. I know it's not a lot but I am still quite horrified. White all the way through. Who knows how many there are in there. Not any that I can see.

While looking for that picture I found this:

Wow. Ha.. Reminds me that I'm interested in what's in their history textbooks.

Anyway, I've said before that I want to only colour my hair after I get white hair because I want to show off the fact that I have none. Still present tense because I pulled it out already. And I didn't quite mean one miserable strand. But there isn't any colour that I want and am able to put on my hair for more than a couple weeks. Few months at least please. I do like it black though. I think I'm one of the very few people around who has never done anything to their hair. No rebonding, no perm, no dye, no highlight. I could sell my hair! I heard an ad on an online classified thing wanting to buy hair but the criteria was that the hair had to be not tainted by anything. Since mine is long, I can sell for even more money. Kaching! The bottom part would have to be wasted since there're so many knots. I don't mind cutting them off because I'm quite annoyed with the tangles.

Anybody wants to buy hair?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Aw, so sweet..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


-----Email Message-----

Yesterday, I was in Borders Bookstore on Powell Street in San Francisco, with 3 of my very close friends. I was casually flipping through a PostSecret book reading some of the moving and inspirational secrets, then I found it. A secret someone had added at the bookstore:

You shouldn't give up.
Fight for yourself and
who you are. You've got
to go through the worst
times in life to get the best

When I read it out loud to all my friends I got really teary eyed. This was needed in my life, right about now and all of a sudden I feel better.

Monday, October 12, 2009

SOoooooooooo bored.

Been sitting in front of the computer the whole day trying to translate this old Chinese book while getting well distracted by the internet. Bleah. Wish I could get something more interesting to do, or at least something more interesting to translate than this disintegrating book. Just trying to earn a little bit of money while finishing my course and looking for a new job.. Well, grateful to have something this flexible lah. Can I just skip forward two months? That's just a random time frame. Don't ask me what I'm expecting in two months. I'm so bored I want to smash things. My PSP beckons... Urgh.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I am loving the internet today

After a few days of digging through my stuff, I finally found an old program that I needed to use. Yay, but when I tried to install and run it, it tells me it's not compatible with Vista. Great. When I searched online for solutions, I either didn't understand or the people were saying that a purchase of an upgrade was necessary. I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars, thank you. FORTUNATELY, somebody discovered a solution and shared it in a public forum. Thank you! Thank you to all the helpful people in the world.

*taken off flickr

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Flash Forward!

Only just watched half of it (commercial now) and I love it. Ha.. I actually gasped aloud when I saw the name "Jack Davenport" as one of the cast. Haha.. When I saw the trailers I was very interested in the guy who was committing suicide before the blackout.

In case you don't know the premise of the show, the whole world blacked out for 2 minutes 17 seconds at the exact same time and had a vision of their own future at a specific time and date - 29 April 2010 approx. 10pm, L.A. time.

- Commercial over. BRB. -

No sign of Jack yet. Wonder if it's the same guy I'm thinking of.. The suicide guy doesn't seem very interesting. He's no longer suicidal because he saw that he was still alive. That's it? Maybe more will be revealed later.

I keep getting goosebumps watching the show. So exciting. Ha.. I like that Asian guy. John Cho? He's probably one of the more successful Asians in Hollywood. And he's acted with NeilPatrickHarris before too. =) Wonder what the babysitter saw, because she's clearly very disturbed.

- Blahblah -

Oo just saw Jack. Actually he was in the trailer, I just didn't recognise him. He looks quite different.. Is this a commercial break or has it ended? There's still 6 minutes to go.. The show is based on a book. Shall not read it and ruin the suspense for myself.. Oh since they showed the credits then it must have ended. Stupid me. Bye!