Sunday, October 04, 2009

Flash Forward!

Only just watched half of it (commercial now) and I love it. Ha.. I actually gasped aloud when I saw the name "Jack Davenport" as one of the cast. Haha.. When I saw the trailers I was very interested in the guy who was committing suicide before the blackout.

In case you don't know the premise of the show, the whole world blacked out for 2 minutes 17 seconds at the exact same time and had a vision of their own future at a specific time and date - 29 April 2010 approx. 10pm, L.A. time.

- Commercial over. BRB. -

No sign of Jack yet. Wonder if it's the same guy I'm thinking of.. The suicide guy doesn't seem very interesting. He's no longer suicidal because he saw that he was still alive. That's it? Maybe more will be revealed later.

I keep getting goosebumps watching the show. So exciting. Ha.. I like that Asian guy. John Cho? He's probably one of the more successful Asians in Hollywood. And he's acted with NeilPatrickHarris before too. =) Wonder what the babysitter saw, because she's clearly very disturbed.

- Blahblah -

Oo just saw Jack. Actually he was in the trailer, I just didn't recognise him. He looks quite different.. Is this a commercial break or has it ended? There's still 6 minutes to go.. The show is based on a book. Shall not read it and ruin the suspense for myself.. Oh since they showed the credits then it must have ended. Stupid me. Bye!


Ellack said...

is the book same-titled as the show?

yevil said...

Wiki says: It is loosely based on the 1999 novel Flashforward by Canadian science fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer.