Saturday, October 13, 2007

Feels a little weird not having tuition with the kids this week. But it feels great to have free time. =) I watched I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry on Monday and I loved it. Very funny, very touching... I think it's my favourite Adam Sandler film thus far. Least favourite has to be Click. Didn't really like the duck thing... Anyway Chuck and Larry is really good. I wonder how many in the film are really gay. The only real gay I saw was Lance from N'Sync.

Do read this:

and sign the letter... I forgot how I found out that homosexual acts are illegal here but I remember it was only recently. I was very surprised. Anyway it's dumb. A lot of people would be in jail if it were enforced strictly.. Rt overheard 2 guys talking about the "acts" when we were doing project at Katong Park. Ha..

Last Sunday after tuition, at the bus stop, this woman beside me suddenly asked me if I believed in the Bible. I believe in God, I don't believe in the Bible. (I certainly would not believe you.) She said the Bible is like a father writing a letter to his son. I corrected her. The Bible is more like, according to her definition, a father telling somebody to write a letter to his son. He doesn't have much control over what that somebody writes in that letter, how much truth he puts in that letter. She then said the Bible was written by 40 (I forgot how many exactly) people of different backgrounds and ages blahblahblah so it's very trustworthy blahblahblah.. Then she wanted me to go church then they teach me for free, because they also learnt it for free, and I'll have nothing to lose. I told her I'll lose time. Haha.. She can't outtalk me on this. I've had too much practise.. Does my face scream SAVE ME?! Or does it say I am gullible. I have a weak mind. I will believe anything. I walk in NUS also have people asking if I go to church. Go away already. I definitely want nothing to do with narrow-minded people. That woman even said something about the Bible is scientific, and talked about the issue of the Earth being round. Weren't scientists accused of heresy and persecuted in the past? If they want to say that it didn't happen and that not all historical accounts are reliable, I can say the same about the Bible. There's no end to this. If people don't believe, just leave them alone. Go away. Shoo.

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