Saturday, April 26, 2008

I've been watching That 70's Show on youtube and megavideo for the last 2 weeks or so. It's so funny. I've watched half of season 1, all of 4, 5 and 6 and just starting on season 7. I'm hoping people will upload seasons 1 to 3.. Last night I watched the Final Goodbye special episode for the taping of the very last episode after 8 seasons - 8 years. It was so sad. I was crying. Boohoo. I think the show was better than Friends. Even though season 8 was quite bad because 2 main characters left for movie roles. It just shows how sad growing up is.

Season 4: An Eric Forman Christmas

Bob: If I had mistletoe I'd kiss you.
Red: If I had mistle-foot, it'll be in your ass.

I love Red's foot-in-the-ass remarks and especially how he laughs at how innovative he thinks he is. Hahaha..

My favourite character:

Ok, that might not be very funny if you don't watch the show..

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I know I wanted to post every day of the month but I got sick the whole week and I can't be bothered to make up the posts for the whole week so..too bad. This might be the longest I've been sick for so long. Since chicken pox? Something else happened over the week too but I think it's sort of ok now. Life still sucks tho. So, I wouldn't mind dying. Except I have to pay my study loans first and leave money for family etc. Did I mention life sucks?

Monday, April 07, 2008

Meteorite from Ye on Vimeo.

We took this ride at the St Nicks fair-thingy. The beginning of this clip is at the peak, where it's 180 degrees. The girls were shouting cheers before I took the clip. Too bad I missed it. The ride didn't have any safety straps or anything. It merely depended on the concentric force that just pushes you on your back. There was some cushioning behind and bars for you to grab. At the beginning (90 degrees) it wasn't scary and quite fun actually. People were just screaming for fun. But the ride was quite long so I got tired of screaming. Ha.. But then when it got to 180 degrees it was quite scary! I was erm, whimpering.. I was afraid that I would be that person who got injured in an amusement ride. Because my hands were just grabbing the bars at my sides, arms parallel to my body, as opposed to 90 degrees, so I could feel my hands slipping and I had to use my elbows to brace myself. When the ride was finished my arms were aching. And we all felt giddy and sick. Ha.. Before we got on the ride I saw this angmoh blonde girl getting off and I commented that she looks sick. The ride was really quite long, and nauseating. =P At least the ride wasn't lame so I don't feel I wasted that ten bucks. Did I mention it was frigging hot that day??

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Pony ride? from Ye on Vimeo.

"Pony ride" at the St Nicks Fiesta Fund-raising Something last Saturday. It was damn freaking hot..

Saturday, April 05, 2008

This laptop is really going crazy. Monday then use office computer to see what's wrong with the layout here.

Weather is so hot! This afternoon when I walked out of the school building there was a light drizzle. Just after I stepped under the bus stop shelter it just suddenly poured. So lucky. It wasn't my bus stop but at least had time to slowly take out my umbrella.

I was late for class, ahem as usual, and my original teacher was back and she was getting to know the class. Did I mention there's a jc girl in my class? After the teacher asked her age she said very young! After that she asked my age and then she said she thought I was only a little older than that girl. =) Ha.. But then she was like, oh chey 24 isn't that young. Why, thank you.. =P But so long as people think I look young I'm happy. I think the other classmates like her, especially this particular girl because she kept laughing today. Ha.. But quite a number didn't turn up today so maybe not all will prefer her. But the previous teacher really a bit..weird.. =P

Friday, April 04, 2008

In Memory

04.04.1979 - 22.01.2008

Thursday, April 03, 2008

In Memory

Just now I bought milk and its expiry date was 14.04.08. =)

I just read a blog of an aki..acquaintance..?..who is still there. It feels familiar and yet foreign, reading those aki-related stuff. Anyways,

it was raining really heavily this afternoon. I looked out the window of the office at 4.53pm and was shocked to see it almost-pitch-black. It hadn't even started to rain yet. By the time I went up to ground level it was pouring already. Or something like that. I don't really remember. Ha.. I wished I had taken the whole day off to rot at home. =P But my mother was home, I think, so I couldn't have enjoyed myself at home anyway. It would be nice to just sit in the living room or in bed and watch cartoons and listening to the rain and winds..

The other day I was listening to Michael Jackson's Little Susie at work and remembered listening to his HIStory: Past, Present and Future album when I was in JC, in the afternoon at home. Most of my memories of listening to music is when it's raining heavily. I don't know why.. Anyway, Little Susie always spooked me at that time. It's really eerie. Didn't dare to listen to it at night. It's basically about this little girl who died and how pitiful she was. The introduction is super long and eerie. You can go youtube to find a video with that song. I found one that was really creepy and I only watched a few seconds of it. I prefer what's in my head when I listen to that song. I love that song. I'm not so spooked by it now. I think because I'm in a darker place now? It's a really good song. All those people who have nothing better to do than to pass vicious rumours should just drop dead. Seriously, have you nothing better to do? Then stop wasting oxygen and our precious Earth's resources and drop dead.

Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
Though everybody wants to read all about it
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual, actual

You're so damn disrespectable

Michael Jackson, Tabloid Junkie

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I swear I will not eat expired stuff ever again

Man, I didn't know sweets can expire. I think I've been getting diarhhea a lot more often since I started working. I wish I can work from home like the first two bloggers on the left. *points*

I don't remember what I wanted to blog about.. Oh the other day I was listening to songs on my computer and while this song was playing I thought I was listening to Nickelback and was trying to think what song I was listening to. It was a Santana song and Santana's songs are usually not sung by him. So I went to goggle the singer's name and he was indeed the lead singer of Nickelback. =) I'm so proud of myself. Ha.. Because I've probably heard only about 4 songs by Nickelback? Oh and I realised a song that I liked in the Spider-man soundtrack was sung by him too. That one I didn't recognise his voice. I think I liked that song before I even noticed Nickelback. Sometimes when I hear songs that I like and didn't recognise the singer's name I would wonder why they weren't more well-known. I wonder how many of those are in bands? I think Santana's songs are nice because he has a knack for recognising good singers. And his music is good too lah. But if he always uses different people to sing his songs, who sings at his concert? He can't possibly get so many people at his concert right? Anybody went to his concert here? Anybody care to enlighten me?

Because it's APRIL - ahem special month =) - I'm going to try to blog everyday, with some cheating. Like I'm going to blog yesterday's post now.. Ha..

Good morning!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008