Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I swear I will not eat expired stuff ever again

Man, I didn't know sweets can expire. I think I've been getting diarhhea a lot more often since I started working. I wish I can work from home like the first two bloggers on the left. *points*

I don't remember what I wanted to blog about.. Oh the other day I was listening to songs on my computer and while this song was playing I thought I was listening to Nickelback and was trying to think what song I was listening to. It was a Santana song and Santana's songs are usually not sung by him. So I went to goggle the singer's name and he was indeed the lead singer of Nickelback. =) I'm so proud of myself. Ha.. Because I've probably heard only about 4 songs by Nickelback? Oh and I realised a song that I liked in the Spider-man soundtrack was sung by him too. That one I didn't recognise his voice. I think I liked that song before I even noticed Nickelback. Sometimes when I hear songs that I like and didn't recognise the singer's name I would wonder why they weren't more well-known. I wonder how many of those are in bands? I think Santana's songs are nice because he has a knack for recognising good singers. And his music is good too lah. But if he always uses different people to sing his songs, who sings at his concert? He can't possibly get so many people at his concert right? Anybody went to his concert here? Anybody care to enlighten me?

Because it's APRIL - ahem special month =) - I'm going to try to blog everyday, with some cheating. Like I'm going to blog yesterday's post now.. Ha..

Good morning!

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