Friday, December 19, 2008

Colourful knee

I slipped and fell in the bathroom couple nights ago. There wasn't any bleeding (can't say the same for cursing) but my knee is blueblacked, with dark purple spots and there's a small patch of red. This is the same knee that I always rest my weight on on the bed when I close my windows. Ouch.

In other news, the polyclinic called my place and left a message that my results were out, asking me to collect them. I wasn't home so I couldn't ask if I need to see the doctor asap or they're just informing me, even though I already made an appointment for January. My original appointment was on next Tues though. Did I mention that I do hope I have the blood disorder? Otherwise I would have wasted my money on the tests and then what if they want to do more tests to see what went wrong with my blood if I don't have this blood disorder? And it's kinda cool to say I have a blood disorder. Ha.. I feel fine. I don't think I need medication or anything even if I have it. I just hope it doesn't cost me much more money. I know I have to pay the doctor's consultation fee again. sleepy...zzz..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


From Getty Images

Yay! Bob won Survivor Gabon! Yay! I'm so happy! My precious sleep was well sacrificed. =) I slept less than 5 hours. Was yawning all day. But it was all worth it. Hurhur.. Omg I cried when Susie won that last immunity challenge and it looked like everybody was going to vote off Bob. Urgh she so didn't deserve to be there. All she could say in her attempt to win votes was that she tried. Like other people didn't try? And she only lost to Bob by one vote in the end! Urgh. She did nothing. People only voted for her because she did nothing, and thus did not need to lie to them. Thank goodness Randy voted for Bob and not her! Randy was pissed that Bob gave him a fake idol but in the end he realised Bob was only trying to save himself, did not intend to humiliate him, and was truly furious at how the others laughed at him. In a way, he stuck to his "alliance" with Marcus, Charlie and Corrine to the end.

I don't know why Matty seems to be angry with Sugar.. She was just giving Bob a chance (which I'm thankful for. ha..) and Matty lost the tie-breaker himself. I thought he would vote for Sugar. Sugar did come up with some really good schemes and outwitted.

Oh I'm also very happy that Nick and Star won the Amazing Race. I can't believe the team I supported from the beginning won in the end. Unfortunately, Toni and Dallas, the other team I like, lost their money and passport in the second last leg and lost a top three spot. They weren't even there in the finale because of the lost passport (I guess). Pity..

Yay for good people!

Friday, December 12, 2008


I just watched the repeat telecast of Survivor again. Heh. That was definitely the bestest tribal council I remember! Although I don't really remember many from previous seasons.. It's the finale next week. I hope Bob wins! I don't think he needs the money but he definitely deserves the title. He was almost voted out quite a few times but his alliances always got voted out before him and things changed in his favour. He's good and even has luck on his side. I think he already has 3 definite votes on the jury. Everybody loves Bob. Except maybe Randy..who is looking really funky with his new haircut. Ha..

Looking forward to next week! Fingers crossed...

Turning around

I just watched the best episode of the current season of Survivor to date! Hurhurhur... The evil people are finally being voted out! Yay! It was so exciting. Crossing my fingers hoping things go the way I want. Sugar said she doesn't care if the strongest person in the game stays because she thinks it should be a good person who wins in the end. I absolutely agree. It's so nice that people in the game think that too. I hope Bob wins!

Good things are happening.. Not great and fantastic, but good enough (for me) to hint that 2009 might indeed be way, way better than 2008. Fingers crossed. My blood test results aren't out yet but I won't be collecting the results till January so I can ignore it for a bit. Unless it's really bad and they call me up to tell me. Eh...I hope not. Actually I'm hoping I do have the blood disorder so I didn't just waste my money. Just hope that it's not a serious problem. Preferably that I don't even need medication or anything.

Oh my foreign friend just had twins last month! They were premature but are doing better now. So exciting. Too bad I can't see them. Is it me or are a lot of people getting pregnant and having babies? I just saw in the papers that Ricky Martin has twins from a surrogate. Dooce is pregnant too. Maybe so many people died because of the baby boom these few years..

Last night I went downstairs to buy something and fed the cat and kitten on my way. The runaway kitten ran away again. Guess it was bored. Or maybe taken? Since it's so cute and friendly. When I came back the food was all finished and I tried to play with the kitten to see if it's still scared of people. Yes it is. It always backs away in the way that its head and neck moves back but most of the rest of its body doesn't move. Maybe because it was dark and it couldn't see clearly that it was my hand, it was curious about my hand and used its paws to prod me. I thought I'd be scratched but the nails weren't out and they were just soft. So cute.

The blogger whose blog I took this from stole it off the internet too. Heh.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Out of order

Bugger. My blood test apparently showed my anemia got worse. So now the doctor wants me to do the proper test for Thalassemia (or Thalassamia or Thalassaemia). I now know the name of the blood disorder because it's on the slip of paper. I was supposed to have another doctor but I was the very last patient and the previous doctor finished earlier than the doctor I was supposed to see. Still very crappy =P but nice lah. He remembered me as the one who wrote the symptoms on the paper. He still suspected I have Thalassemia and tried to explain what it was. Something about alpha and beta... I forgot what it has to do with drowning but I remember something about being breathless very easily. I think the point was that I'll take longer to recover from anything. To which I kept saying, so this thing is quite harmless right? He still insists on having me take the test to confirm it. Which means yet another blood test. Damnit. More blood?? I asked if they could just use the blood that they just took and he went, ah, it's the needles! And he helped me call the lab to ask if they had any of my blood left. Bugger. They didn't. And it was too late to take today so I have to go back on Tues and then go again a week later for the results.

After some googling on the blood disorder, I learned that there's Thalassemia major and Thalassemia minor. Most likely I have minor. The doctor also said if it's only found out now then it must not be very severe. People with Thalassemia major need to have blood transfusions rather frequently. Sounds like that rich crazy girl's disease in Huang Jin Lu. For Thalassemia minor, I don't really know what treatment it needs. Hopefully nothing.. Probably just to make sure I don't get too severe anemia? Oh wikipedia says Studies have shown that Thalassemia Minor often coexists with other diseases such as asthma, and mood disorders. Hmm.

How come I've had blood tests before and nothing showed up before? This blood disorder is supposed to be genetic. If I don't have it I'm going to be annoyed to have spent so much money on these tests.

This year totally blows.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Trying to pull through 2008

Damn had been sick for more than a week. Have to go for a blood test tomorrow because I went to the polyclinic last week and the doctor made me take a blood test because I'd had fever for a few days. Had to wait so long for the blood test results. The doctor was quite nice and friendly but I kept thinking...废话真多.. Luckily it was an Indian so if I accidentally blurt it out he might not understand anyway. =P I already told him I had a painful sore throat and he still told me he likes to make small talk. I even wrote my symptons on the piece of paper. I said "pain" so many times I feel like I was whining. -.-" You can't speak? Pain. You didn't eat anything today? Pain.

The previous night my nose was so blocked I couldn't sleep till it started to clear around 5am so I was really tired and wanted to go home and sleep. When he told me my blood test results (anemic and some suspected blood disease) he kept telling me, don't be sad. ?? How happy was I supposed to be? He's very crappy.. I almost asked him if he was very bored. He was reassuring me that the blood disease is not very common but not very rare either. It's not confirmed so have to take another blood test tomorrow. Hopefully it's just because of my drug allergy. I told him my eye is swollen because I took aspirin and he said it doesn't look swollen. ... Maybe both eyes were a bit swollen because I hadn't slept. I'm too broke to be sick. Shit.

Oh the kitten that ran away from the catnappers suddenly reappeared a few nights ago. It got used to running around big spaces and is running around playing with mommy a lot. I went down to put the kitten up and it kept jumping down to want milk from mommy or run around. But the good thing is that the runaway kitten isn't scared of people anymore. It's friendly and cute. It didn't hiss or struggle or make noise when I carry it. So cute. But they meow A LOT early in the morning. They woke me up at 7plus yesterday and 6plus today. Yesterday they meowed for a really long time so this morning I went down to shut them up. Guess the kitten had enough of running around. It was so peacefully quiet after that...

I think nobody here watches Survivor so I'm going to talk to myself now. Bob is so amazingly good at making fake idols that it's really funny. Hurhur.. I hope he wins all the rest of the immunity challenges and get to the final three. Most of the other people remaining are horrible.