Friday, December 19, 2008

Colourful knee

I slipped and fell in the bathroom couple nights ago. There wasn't any bleeding (can't say the same for cursing) but my knee is blueblacked, with dark purple spots and there's a small patch of red. This is the same knee that I always rest my weight on on the bed when I close my windows. Ouch.

In other news, the polyclinic called my place and left a message that my results were out, asking me to collect them. I wasn't home so I couldn't ask if I need to see the doctor asap or they're just informing me, even though I already made an appointment for January. My original appointment was on next Tues though. Did I mention that I do hope I have the blood disorder? Otherwise I would have wasted my money on the tests and then what if they want to do more tests to see what went wrong with my blood if I don't have this blood disorder? And it's kinda cool to say I have a blood disorder. Ha.. I feel fine. I don't think I need medication or anything even if I have it. I just hope it doesn't cost me much more money. I know I have to pay the doctor's consultation fee again. sleepy...zzz..

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