Friday, December 12, 2008

Turning around

I just watched the best episode of the current season of Survivor to date! Hurhurhur... The evil people are finally being voted out! Yay! It was so exciting. Crossing my fingers hoping things go the way I want. Sugar said she doesn't care if the strongest person in the game stays because she thinks it should be a good person who wins in the end. I absolutely agree. It's so nice that people in the game think that too. I hope Bob wins!

Good things are happening.. Not great and fantastic, but good enough (for me) to hint that 2009 might indeed be way, way better than 2008. Fingers crossed. My blood test results aren't out yet but I won't be collecting the results till January so I can ignore it for a bit. Unless it's really bad and they call me up to tell me. Eh...I hope not. Actually I'm hoping I do have the blood disorder so I didn't just waste my money. Just hope that it's not a serious problem. Preferably that I don't even need medication or anything.

Oh my foreign friend just had twins last month! They were premature but are doing better now. So exciting. Too bad I can't see them. Is it me or are a lot of people getting pregnant and having babies? I just saw in the papers that Ricky Martin has twins from a surrogate. Dooce is pregnant too. Maybe so many people died because of the baby boom these few years..

Last night I went downstairs to buy something and fed the cat and kitten on my way. The runaway kitten ran away again. Guess it was bored. Or maybe taken? Since it's so cute and friendly. When I came back the food was all finished and I tried to play with the kitten to see if it's still scared of people. Yes it is. It always backs away in the way that its head and neck moves back but most of the rest of its body doesn't move. Maybe because it was dark and it couldn't see clearly that it was my hand, it was curious about my hand and used its paws to prod me. I thought I'd be scratched but the nails weren't out and they were just soft. So cute.

The blogger whose blog I took this from stole it off the internet too. Heh.

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