Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Awesome! High 5!

Awesome couple-Barney and Robin from How I met Your Mother

Song is Beautiful by Patrick Nuo

Friday, May 22, 2009

Idol night

Just watched the whole American Idol finale. It was pretty entertaining, I must say. Ha.. That new judge (Kara?)'s little show was rather awesome. Ha.. She really showed that girl she's better in every aspect. So funny she kept trying to cover up. Ha.. She can really sing indeed. I'm impressed.

Oh I really like Steve Martin's banjo band!

And I think Adam Lambert is already a rock star! So he doesn't need the title as much as Kris so stop abusing Kris already! People are so rude. I was watching, well, more of listening to, some of their performances on youtube and read some comments. Why do people feel the need to insult their idol's competition? Isn't it good that we have TWO great singers? More good music right? Kris is just a little quieter. It's easier to like a rock star because they're dynamic and make the audience high with all that screaming--less oxygen. Ha.. I think Kris did sing that last song, No Boundaries, better today than yesterday. Too nervous? It is a very nice song.

But my favourite song by him is Heartless, which he sang in the top 3 show.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Idol morning

I woke up early to see who won American Idol. And since the objective was just to see who won, I woke up at 0920. Heh. I'm damn glad I saw the announcement myself rather than hearing the result from another source!

Do not continue reading if you don't want to know who won.

. . . x y z . . .

I think everybody is shocked that Kris won. Ha.. I think he might have even felt bad for winning. It was so noisy with all the cheering when Ryan was announcing the result. I just heard him making noise and then heard him say "Kris Allen" and I went huh? because I wasn't sure what was happening and of course I thought Adam definitely won. Really? He won? Huh? I just saw Kris looking shocked and in disbelief and Adam smiling, huggings going on etc.. I kept waiting for Ryan to say something else and announce Adam as the winner. Plus, it took a while to sink in because I wasn't yet fully awake. Ha..

I like Adam's version of the last song, No Boundaries, yesterday. I felt bad for Kris cos his version in comparison was kinda weak.. Actually I only watched the last 2 shows so I don't feel very strongly for anybody but I like Adam's high notes. But because I'm a horrible person, I keep getting distracted by the thought that he is fat. Oops! No lah, I just have the impression that he was a little slimmer when I saw him at the beginning, just before all the serious singing on the big stage. Adam has fantastic presence onstage. Very confident and dynamic, which is what I think Kris lacks. Other than that I think he's really good too. Quite unique voice. I really, really hope he doesn't end up like Ruben!

I feel bad that I haven't bought David Cook's album. Oops. =P

Actually American Idol just creates a hype for a while. I'm sure they want to be in the industry for the long haul so whether they win or not, they still have a long way to go and lots of things to do. Daughtry wasn't even in the top 3 or even close, but he's doing quite well now.

Oh yah, I agree with Simon about Adam's first song yesterday. Very theatrical and reminded me of Phantom of the Opera. Ha.. But I liked it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I miss Survivor already.... I was looking at some videos on youtube and I realised that Stephen reminds me of Josh Groban. They look a little alike. I think JT kinda reminds me of him too, just because he is so nice.

I'm so bored with my life.

Can I start over?

To a Butterfly

by: William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

Stay near me—do not take thy flight!
A little longer stay in sight!
Much converse do I find in thee,
Historian of my infancy!
Float near me; do not yet depart!
Dead times revive in thee:
Thou bring'st, gay creature as thou art!
A solemn image to my heart,
My father's family!

Oh! pleasant, pleasant were the days,
The time, when, in our childish plays,
My sister Emmeline and I
Together chased the butterfly!
A very hunter did I rush
Upon the prey:—with leaps and springs
I followed on from brake to bush;
But she, God love her! feared to brush
The dust from off its wings.

via blackcatpoems

Yay! *clapclapclap*

JT won Survivor~~ ^^ In the first challenge of today's (or yesterday's) episode, Erinn was so close to winning and I kept going nononono nonononono... Ha.. The editting probably made it seem closer than it actually was but I think in reality she did come really close. She looked like she was damn quick with the puzzle.

Yay so happy he won. Yes I mentioned that already. There was this time my father was saying what the audience in shows were cheering for the contestants for. Well, because we are kind people. It's not like the money would have gone to us anyway. If there's money, or good stuff, being given away, I'd rather see it given to somebody I like and/or who deserves it. Although I do know some of those audiences cheering on tv are probably just cheering for fun.

Going back to Survivor, it's so nice to see good people winning. I wonder if they purposefully select contestants who are good people at heart, who would in turn vote for deserving people or it just happened by chance? What if they have an "Evil Survivor" and choose psycho, vindictive contestants who would vote for the least deserving person? Nobody would want anybody to win. So everybody would hate the show. Oops. Ha.. Oh, I think that might have happened before. The season where somebody brought a golf club. I mean, they didn't deliberately vote for the less deserving person but the final two were horrible people that I disliked, I think. Can't really remember.. But anyway, they added this additional feature for viewers to vote for a person to get $100,000 (or whatever amount it is) probably because sometimes the person who wins isn't who most people deem most deserving. At least that shows that there are more good people than bad in this world.

Aw, every time Survivor ends, even if I'm happy for the winner or at least to know who won, I'm sad because I can't see these people that I like.. So annoying..

Friday, May 15, 2009

Withdrawl symptoms

I recently visited the Cathay website while I was in the office, with my earphones plugged in, listening to BBC Radio 7, which is not a news channel but more of a story channel. Anyway, I don't know if it was because I had earphones on, when you visit the site, it starts playing a movie trailer and it sounded a lot like in the theatres, so very good surround sound kinda quality. I was like, wow it feels like I'm in the theatre watching a movie! I haven't seen a movie in the cinema for AGES and I'm so dying to watch SOMETHING! It made me feel like watching Star Trek, which is the trailer on the website now, and that's a movie that I wouldn't normally even consider watching. Either I'm that desperate for a movie fix or it's a really marketing strategy to promote a movie. I played the trailer several times in the office and it totally distracted me. Ha..

And yes, I've been listening to BBC Radio 7 in the office. I can't find a description on their website. Is it called radio dramatisation? This is rather late but last Friday I happened to hear the last episode of Heated Rollers and it was really funny. These 3 (I think) women making fun of stuff in general. Broadcasts can be downloaded from the website but they are only up for a week so erm, if you want to listen to it, you only have 15 hours left, starting now. Oops.

Ok I'm done here. Ciao!