Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yay! *clapclapclap*

JT won Survivor~~ ^^ In the first challenge of today's (or yesterday's) episode, Erinn was so close to winning and I kept going nononono nonononono... Ha.. The editting probably made it seem closer than it actually was but I think in reality she did come really close. She looked like she was damn quick with the puzzle.

Yay so happy he won. Yes I mentioned that already. There was this time my father was saying what the audience in shows were cheering for the contestants for. Well, because we are kind people. It's not like the money would have gone to us anyway. If there's money, or good stuff, being given away, I'd rather see it given to somebody I like and/or who deserves it. Although I do know some of those audiences cheering on tv are probably just cheering for fun.

Going back to Survivor, it's so nice to see good people winning. I wonder if they purposefully select contestants who are good people at heart, who would in turn vote for deserving people or it just happened by chance? What if they have an "Evil Survivor" and choose psycho, vindictive contestants who would vote for the least deserving person? Nobody would want anybody to win. So everybody would hate the show. Oops. Ha.. Oh, I think that might have happened before. The season where somebody brought a golf club. I mean, they didn't deliberately vote for the less deserving person but the final two were horrible people that I disliked, I think. Can't really remember.. But anyway, they added this additional feature for viewers to vote for a person to get $100,000 (or whatever amount it is) probably because sometimes the person who wins isn't who most people deem most deserving. At least that shows that there are more good people than bad in this world.

Aw, every time Survivor ends, even if I'm happy for the winner or at least to know who won, I'm sad because I can't see these people that I like.. So annoying..

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