Thursday, May 21, 2009

Idol morning

I woke up early to see who won American Idol. And since the objective was just to see who won, I woke up at 0920. Heh. I'm damn glad I saw the announcement myself rather than hearing the result from another source!

Do not continue reading if you don't want to know who won.

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I think everybody is shocked that Kris won. Ha.. I think he might have even felt bad for winning. It was so noisy with all the cheering when Ryan was announcing the result. I just heard him making noise and then heard him say "Kris Allen" and I went huh? because I wasn't sure what was happening and of course I thought Adam definitely won. Really? He won? Huh? I just saw Kris looking shocked and in disbelief and Adam smiling, huggings going on etc.. I kept waiting for Ryan to say something else and announce Adam as the winner. Plus, it took a while to sink in because I wasn't yet fully awake. Ha..

I like Adam's version of the last song, No Boundaries, yesterday. I felt bad for Kris cos his version in comparison was kinda weak.. Actually I only watched the last 2 shows so I don't feel very strongly for anybody but I like Adam's high notes. But because I'm a horrible person, I keep getting distracted by the thought that he is fat. Oops! No lah, I just have the impression that he was a little slimmer when I saw him at the beginning, just before all the serious singing on the big stage. Adam has fantastic presence onstage. Very confident and dynamic, which is what I think Kris lacks. Other than that I think he's really good too. Quite unique voice. I really, really hope he doesn't end up like Ruben!

I feel bad that I haven't bought David Cook's album. Oops. =P

Actually American Idol just creates a hype for a while. I'm sure they want to be in the industry for the long haul so whether they win or not, they still have a long way to go and lots of things to do. Daughtry wasn't even in the top 3 or even close, but he's doing quite well now.

Oh yah, I agree with Simon about Adam's first song yesterday. Very theatrical and reminded me of Phantom of the Opera. Ha.. But I liked it.

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