Friday, May 22, 2009

Idol night

Just watched the whole American Idol finale. It was pretty entertaining, I must say. Ha.. That new judge (Kara?)'s little show was rather awesome. Ha.. She really showed that girl she's better in every aspect. So funny she kept trying to cover up. Ha.. She can really sing indeed. I'm impressed.

Oh I really like Steve Martin's banjo band!

And I think Adam Lambert is already a rock star! So he doesn't need the title as much as Kris so stop abusing Kris already! People are so rude. I was watching, well, more of listening to, some of their performances on youtube and read some comments. Why do people feel the need to insult their idol's competition? Isn't it good that we have TWO great singers? More good music right? Kris is just a little quieter. It's easier to like a rock star because they're dynamic and make the audience high with all that screaming--less oxygen. Ha.. I think Kris did sing that last song, No Boundaries, better today than yesterday. Too nervous? It is a very nice song.

But my favourite song by him is Heartless, which he sang in the top 3 show.

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