Sunday, June 28, 2009

Uniquely MJ

I was just comparing MJ and Heath Ledger and Cassanova, starring HL, was on Ch5 just now. I saw the trailer for it last week but forgot until I checked the TV schedule at 1030 so I missed a big chunk of it. =( He really was very good looking.

The Chinese papers interviewed a few locals in the industry and Adrian Pang also chooses to believe that he was innocent. =) The columnist wrote about some stuff that I blogged about yesterday. Except more eloquently of course. He agreed that he had accomplished way more than most people can, combined, so he shouldn't have any, or at least not too much, regrets. Nobody knows for sure if his comeback will be successful right? I think he tried before too? Even if he can't make a comeback, he's still a legend and he has the respect of music-lovers.

I realise last year I ranted about those idiots who spread those ridiculous rumours about him.

The papers also reported that some stores are stocking up on his albums because they don't usually have a lot of stock and they're expecting sales to go up. I bought his HIStory: Past, Present and Future album in a second-hand CD shop when I was in JC and I absolutely love it. At that time I had only heard that he was King of Pop and didn't really realise how good his music is, because I had been mostly listening to Chinese music so I bought it second-hand. If I knew how good it was I would have bought a brand new copy. I did buy another of his collection album (brand new) but it just wasn't as good. Not even sure where it is now..

They're probably going to be releasing new collections of his music and performances etc. Probably will buy but I'll wait till they have released everything then I'll choose the best to buy. I hardly ever buy albums immediately when they're released because they always have deluxe versions after some time. I have patience. =)

... I just saw a comment on a youtube vid that someone's teacher told them that his "death" is a publicity stunt because he doesn't want to go on tour and that nobody has seen his body. Right... That's impossible right? That's ridiculous. He's weird but I don't think there are that many crazy people who would help him pull that off? Can I just clarify again that I think he has every right to be weird. There are many weird people who have made no contributions to society or anything so I think he has earned his right to be weird. So long as nobody gets hurt..

Oh the Chinese columnist also mentioned a top ten list of lesser known facts about MJ so I googled it and found some stuff.

10 Weird Things you didn't know about Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson's 10 Most Iconic Looks
Top 10: Michael Jackson Moments

I think the last one was what the columnist wrote about. It includes nobel prize nominations and the most money donated to charity etc.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

À bientôt

by: Alisha Sufit (1946- )

I thought of life
as though it were a space
with walls and floor
and ceiling,
sought to make it solid, fixed,
construct it well,
so I should have security of place.

Then I heard the small stars'
laughter pealing far away.
"Fall!" they cried,
"and fly,
for you cannot break your bones,
nor die.

There is no ground
upon which you can land.
It's all pure ether,
solid as the sand
that fills Egyptian deserts,
solid as the water in the sea.
Let go and fall
and then you will be free."

Today I went to the office, switched on the computer, logged on to twitter, intending to whine about how my teacher's milk tea gave me a horrible painful diarrhea last night, but I saw a few tweets about MJ passing away. I was shocked. Similar reaction to Heath Ledger's news last year I suppose.

Except, perhaps less upset. MJ definitely was far more talented of course, but he accomplished so much and he's the King of Pop and all that so it's not like his life was a waste. It was kinda a mess I suppose but nobody's perfect right? I was sad that he didn't manage to make a comeback before he passed away, to remind people of how talented he is. Sure, I sometimes make jokes about his pedophilia but only because I think those are just stupid rumours that morons made up. The guy was sued and acquitted ok? Just because these people have twisted minds doesn't mean the man is too. Their sick little twisted minds can't comprehend the innocence and purity of others'. And what he wants to do with his own face and skin is his own business too.

I saw this article which wrote, amongst other stuff, about how his father was basically a sadistic psycho who abused him and his siblings physically and mentally. (Supports my view that some people should not have children.) Can you really blame him for being so weird? With a father like that, fame from such a young age, all that talent and recognition...I think creative people have the license to be weird.. What's so great about you normal people? Did you sell millions of albums and own Neverland? Do you have millions of people mourning your departure?

Like Anita Mui and Leslie Cheung, I think passing away before falling (totally) from grace is not necessarily a bad thing. I'm sure they have loads of fans on the other side welcoming them. I hope to meet them all when I cross over. See you guys later!

Farrah Fawcett passed away too. I thought it was maybe a couple days before but I think it was on the same day. She had been battling cancer for some time so it wasn't so much of a shock. I'm not familiar with her anyway. I read an article about her passing and also watched a bit of her news on ET a few weeks ago.

Long-term partner Ryan, 68, had been planning to wed Farrah as soon as possible.

In an interview earlier this week He said: 'I've asked her to marry me, again, and she's agreed

Excuse me? This is "long-term" partner? Why did he have to wait till she was dying to marry her? If it wasn't important previously, why is it important now? People are weird..

Anyway, despite what people say about MJ's surgeries etc, I think he did look good. I joked to my colleague that at least he left before his face fell apart. I know it's rude but it's true though, right? Would you rather be prettier and have a shorter life, or be naturally not so pretty and have a normal length life? He loves the stage and attention so I think he'll choose the first one. Actually, so would I. =P Kill myself when things start falling apart..

by: Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)

Remember me when I am gone away,
gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
you tell me of the future that you planned;
Only remember me; you understand
it will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet, if you should forget me for a while
and afterwards, remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
a vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
better by far you should forget and smile
than that you should remember and be sad.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Online toy shopping

Heya people, could you check out the perpetualkid website and maybe let me know if you'll be interested in buying anything so we could combine shipping? =) They have rather interesting and fun stuff. And also having 10% discount and globeshopper also having 15% discount till mid July. Let me know please! Merci!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today at tuition I noticed that some of my green hair were exceptionally long. My student had gone out for a while so I investigated. I tried to find the bead that held the green hair extensions but couldn't find anything wrong at the top of my head. They're a little untidy because my hair has grown a little over two months and they're a little loose because I sometimes accidentally run my fingers through my hair and they get caught so I inevitably pull out some of the hair that is secured with the extensions to smoothen things up.

Anyway, I held up the extra long hair-didn't cross my mind that the hair were possessed and grew on their own-and found the bead with the green hair somewhere lower than my ear level. Apparently they slid down my own black hair? So I just help them along their way and removed the green hair. They're still neatly secured in the bead. Thankfully. Would be horrible if my student came in and saw a messy bunch of green hair in my hands. Scare little children. Ha..

I didn't know where to put the hair so I twirled it around a pen and put in my pencil case. Bad idea because it's curled up now. How am I supposed to keep this thing? I might want to put them in again later on if possible. Wonder how long it would take for all of them to slide off..

Wanted to take a photo but the hair's messy curled up. And I can't find my camera. Shit.

Blogger doesn't seem to want me to upload pics either. Hmm. Until next time!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Four-clover leaves, Horseshoe, and other good luck charms

Fingers tightly crossed and loads of good luck needed.

To be continued...