Saturday, August 29, 2009


Don't have a more interesting title because I'm very tired.. Been busy proofreading a history thesis, and didn't quite realise what today's date was. Did remember Ch5 was showing Michael Jackson's Munich HIStory concert today, just forgot it was for his birthday. Hope he's enjoying his birthday with many ghost children somewhere.

Oh towards the end of the concert, I think for Earth Song or Heal the World, at the end he was carrying this cute little girl, many people, young and not so young, all walking all over the stage. MJ was holding the hand of the little girl and then this man, probably crew, walked up to MJ, holding a little boy slightly older than the little girl and gave MJ to hold. Then he left. It wasn't a highlight or anything. The stage was just a mess of people walking around, singing. I thought it was really weird. Why did he specially give the boy to him? Anyway MJ held him for a little while and put him down. Oh, just before this boy's entrance, the highlight was 2 boys with hearing aids, one of them sitting in a wheelchair. So after he put the little boy down, he gave attention to the 2 boys. At the end, he still went back to the little girl and led everybody backstage with her. And the man who brought the little boy out went and carried the boy back. What?? Damn strange... I got the impression that the man wanted MJ to hold the boy instead of the little girl and was confused that he ignored the boy. Ha.. The boy just looked lost, as all little children do.

That's all, I need to sleep. Feels like I just had a mini crash course on Singapore history the past few days..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Funny stuff

This is really funny. I hope it's real. =P Got the link off Bête de Jour. I almost want to say young people these days don't use their brains but I would sound exactly like people I hate. And she might not be that young. So, some people just don't have the habit of utilising their brains.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Made in Singapore

Wah today many posts. Ha.. Just watched 18 Grams of Love, a local film, on okto. I like it. Funny. Silly funny. But really sweet at the end too. =) It's about these 2 guys who decided to write love letters to each other's wives to test if they were having affairs.

Not made in Singapore, but there's this new song that I like called The Day I Died. It's about this guy who was having a really good day before he died. In an interview on Radio 1 last friday they were talking about how people (who loves this song) now worry a little whenever they were having a really good day. Like being extra careful crossing the road because in the song he got hit by a taxi. Ha.. Somebody was saying she was on the bus and the kids on the top deck were quiet and she thought about the song. =)

Gotta go running for the bus
Coat flying and i try not to miss it this time
but the driver's waiting and that's strange
kids on the top deck quiet for a change
and there's no rain and no roadworks
in the bus lane and all my hurts run away
and i'm smiling as im punching in

the day i died was the best day of my life
the day i died was the best day of my life
tell my friends and my kids and my wife
everything will be alright
the day i died was the best day of my life

The Day I Died - Just Jack

Majulah Singapura..

Aw, I really really like this year's NDP! I think this might be the first time I did not fall asleep. Ha.. Usually I would fall asleep during the march pasts. I like the storytelling concept. I love listening to stories, even if I already know them. Oh I love Chapter 7: When I Grow Up. Ha.. The kids are so cute. Especially the "PSP helper" and the "President" one. The whole stadium went wah... XD

I'm surprised they got Gayle Something (sorry) to sing. She's not really very well-known right? I know she was in Singapore Idol but after that I've only seen her in kids central. How many adults watch kids central, right? But I thought her singing was very good.

I had a strawberry sundae (red and white) today to celebrate National Day. Ha.. I'm glad I love my country and am not resentful and wishing I was someplace else. =)

Eggs Galore

This is inspired by Runaway Bride that I just watched on TV. And I love eggs too of course.

Different Ways to Do Eggs

Hard Boiled Eggs

D.H. Banes: Perfect hard boiled eggs: Cover eggs with 1 inch of water in sauce pan

Bring to boil over medium heat (high heat will sometimes crack shells)

Once water reaches a boil, remove the sauce pan from heat, cover and let sit 12 min (exactly)

Shock eggs with cold water and place in refrigerator

If you do this all properly and don't allow the eggs to boil or sit in the water for too long, you'll have some amazing hard boiled eggs. Don't mess this up!

Everything Omelette

Container: Non-stick 9 or 10 inch sauté pan or skillet
Cook Time: 15 minutes

- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons onion, diced
- 2 tablespoons bell pepper, diced
- 2 tablespoons chopped carrot
- 2 tablespoons sliced celery
- 1/4 cup cooked ham or other breakfast meat
- 1 pinch salt

- (Cook the filling)

- While the filling cooks, break 2 eggs into a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon water, a pinch of salt and beat well with a fork.

- Empty the cooked filling into a small bowl and wipe the pan clean. Add a teaspoon of butter or oil over medium-high heat and when the pan is hot (a drop of water sizzles and evaporates almost instantly), pour in the beaten eggs. Using a spatula gently push the cooked outer edges toward the center, tipping the pan a bit so the uncooked egg runs to the outside.

- When the egg mixture is set but still moist, add the prepared filling in a strip across the center of the eggs. Fold the sides up over the filling. Put a plate face down over the folded omelette. Holding your hand under the plate to support it, turn the skillet and plate over; the omelette will then be browned side up on the plate.

Cottage Cheese Scrambled Eggs recipe - 137 calories

3 eggs
1/4 cup cottage cheese
salt and pepper, to taste

1. Place the eggs, cottage cheese, salt and pepper into a blender and blend until smooth.
2. In a small frying pan, melt a little butter (to coat the bottom of the pan).
3. Pour the eggs mixture into the frying pan.
4. Without stirring, gently push the cooked portion to the center; continue until all the eggs are fully cooked (but not dry).

Perfect Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Making the perfect scrambled eggs isn't difficult. The key is whisking the eggs thoroughly and vigorously before cooking them. Whisking incorporates air, which produces fluffier scrambled eggs. And fluffier is better!

Overcooking is a common problem with scrambled eggs. For starters, scrambled eggs should never be even the slightest bit brown -- that means they're burnt! But the perfect scrambled eggs should be soft and just a little bit moist.

One last thing: Eggs should always be cooked in a nonstick sauté pan. And for that reason, you should always use a heat-resistant rubber spatula.

Deviled Eggs

6 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and cut lengthwise
¼ cup Mayonnaise
½ teaspoon dry ground mustard (wet mustard will work in a pinch, but add less mayo)
½ teaspoon white vinegar
1/8 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
small sprigs or parsley or paprika to garnish

Once you have cut the cooled boiled eggs, gently remove the egg yolks. Place all of the yolks into a l bowl and cream/mash with a fork.

Add the remaining ingredients into the bowl and mix thoroughly.

Spoon or squeeze the eggs mixture back into the halved egg white, then sprinkle lightly with paprika or parsley to garnish.

Sunny Side Up

Crack eggs into a generously buttered pan over low-medium heat. (If you have leftover bacon grease, that's even better.) Once whites are formed, about three minutes, spoon some excess butter or fat onto the yolk to lightly cook the top for one minute. Remove once the edges of the egg begin to get crispy.

Eggs Over Easy

Follow directions for sunny side up, but then flip over and cook the other side.

Poached Eggs

Bring a pot of water to a light boil, then add one capful of white vinegar. Crack an egg into a cup. Lightly stir the water to get it moving in one direction, then carefully pour egg from cup into the center of the pot. After about two minutes, retrieve egg with a slotted spoon and drain on a paper towel.

Easy Eggs Benedict

1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup white vinegar
4 English muffins, split
4 tablespoons butter, softened, divided
8 slices Canadian bacon
8 eggs
1 can (6 ounces) hollandaise sauce
Pinch cayenne pepper
8 lemon wedges (optional)

1.Preheat oven to 170°F. Fill a 3-quart saucepan with about 2 quarts water; bring to a boil over high heat. Add salt and vinegar. Reduce heat to a simmer. While water is heating, toast English muffin halves; spread toasted muffin halves with 2 tablespoons of the butter. Place muffin halves on serving platter.

2.Place bacon on microwave-safe platter. Heat bacon in microwave oven on HIGH about 15 seconds, or just until warm. Place 1 slice on each toasted muffin half. Place on serving platter and place in oven to keep warm.

3.To poach eggs, crack 1 egg into a small bowl. Gently drop egg into simmering water. Repeat with another egg. Use a wooden spoon to budge eggs gently to keep from sticking to bottom of saucepan. Simmer 2 to 3 minutes or until white of egg is cooked through. Remove poached eggs with slotted spoon; place in shallow pie pan or other dish. Trim any ragged edges to make circular shape. Repeat, cooking 2 eggs at a time, until all eggs are poached. Remove bacon-topped muffin halves from oven. Place 2 halves on each serving plate. Place 1 egg on top of each.

4.In a small saucepan over low heat, or in a microwavable bowl in a microwave oven, heat hollandaise 1 to 2 minutes or just until warm, stirring frequently. Do not boil. Stir in 2 tablespoons butter and cayenne pepper until butter is melted and well blended. Spoon warm hollandaise over each egg, distributing evenly among 4 plates. Garnish with lemon wedges if desired.

Scotch Egg

* 1 pound bulk sausage meat
* 3 tablespoons minced fresh chives
* 3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
* 1 large egg
* 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
* 5 cups fresh breadcrumbs made from crustless French bread
* 1 cup all purpose flour
* 6 large hard-boiled eggs, peeled
* Vegetable oil (for deep-frying)


Mix sausage, chives, and parsley in medium bowl to blend. Whisk egg and mustard in bowl to blend. Place breadcrumbs in large bowl. Place flour in another bowl. Roll 1 hard-boiled egg in flour. Using wet hands, press 1/3 cup sausage mixture around egg to coat. Brush egg with mustard mixture, then roll in breadcrumbs, covering completely and pressing to adhere. Place Scotch egg on plate. Repeat with remaining eggs. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate.)

Add enough oil to heavy large saucepan to reach depth of 1 1/2 inches. Attach deep-fry thermometer and heat oil to 325°F. Add 3 prepared eggs to oil; fry until sausage is cooked through and coating is deep brown, about 6 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer eggs to paper towels to drain. Repeat with remaining 3 eggs. Serve warm.

Tea Eggs

6 eggs
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon black tea leaves or 1 tea bag
4 pieces star anise
1 small stick cinnamon or cassia bark
1 teaspoon cracked peppercorns (optional)
2 strips dried mandarin peel (optional)


Place unshelled eggs in saucepan of cold water – water level should be at least 4 cm (1-1/2") higher than eggs. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 2 minutes.
Remove the eggs. With a knife, tap each egg to slightly crack the shells in two or three places. Return to saucepan.
Add other ingredients and stir. Cover and simmer for 2 hours, adding water as necessary. Drain, serve hot or cold.

Materials from here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Happy 44th!

Happy Birthday Singapore.. *waves imaginary flag*

I saw somebody on msn whose message is from the lyrics of a Juno song. =)

Friday, August 07, 2009

Oh damn it

Chanced upon this blog post titled Suicide is shameless and was intrigued because I'm morbid and I, well, do not think suicide is always a bad thing. Wanted to see whick way it swung and it was on my side! Woohoo! Ok slightly inappropriate. Anyway the book mentioned in the post is something I might like to read. Argh. Another book to put on my neverending list. Sigh..

Thursday, August 06, 2009


The fact that I'm watching the "National Day drama", This Is My Home, on Ch 5 is proof of my lack of concentration.. The two boys acting the younger and older parts of the male lead are both very cute. :P I like the girl from Fighting Spiders. Although she's a brat at this point of the show. Eh, it's a little unconvincing in some parts.. Any considerate person would not just assume somebody not exactly local would not repulse fish eyeballs and chicken backside right? But I can't believe the teenage boy willingly did all those dance moves in the ktv scenes. Really funny. Haha..

I always switch on my comp to open my restaurant on fb and then I have no idea what to do while I let business run itself. I read of book recommendations in blogs that I want to read but I borrow them and not read them. Oops.

Feels like tomorrow is holiday already. Unfortunately tomorrow is a long day because I took the day off yesterday to see doctor about my stupid gastric and diarrhea. Somehow the fact that I've had this 3 times in the last one and a half months is not cause for any concern. Right. And then yesterday night in the Ch U show, Celebritea (or what it's called), Yvonne Lim was talking about how her mother died of stomach cancer. She had seen doctors several times who just told her it was just normal gastrics. She only found out it was stomach cancer after she had a full medical check up and by that time it was too late and she died in less than 2 months.

I do want to die of cancer though. Just so I know roughly how much time I have left to enjoy myself. Meanwhile, can't wait for tomorrow to be over!

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Satanically Talented

Omg I just found THIS! Was just curious and googled "yevil". A few results were mine. =)

According to Urban Dictionary (an exceedingly reliable source, haha),

Yevil 10 thumbs up

Adjective - to say someone/something is a "Yevil" is to say someone/something is satanically talented at something.
Guy 1: Wow! That guys shreds amazingly!
Guy 2: I know he's like a Yevil rocker or something!

XD I could get this definition on a mug! There's also "Yev" in this.

1. Yev 8 up, 1 down

Developed from the mind of my friend, yev is the gangsta word for love.
"I yev ya too"
" I yev ya lots"

get this def on a mug
by Natasha Mar 19, 2005 share this

2. Yev 5 up, 4 down

Short for "Yeviticus." A man of unearthly bone structure and modelesque features.
That Yev would make a beautiful homecoming queen.

get this def on a mug
by Josh Oct 21, 2003 share this

3. Yev 1 up, 1 down

NIce looking females, Hot bitches, Fine ass ho's, Spectacular Poon, Girls that make you look twice.
"Damn, Nancy turned into a real yev."

"did you hear what I just said?"
-"sorry I was distracted by that yev"

"hey I just got into the bar(on the phone)"
-"Are there any yev's?"
"Two or three"
get this def on a mug
jeva ho's females ladies poon hotties

by Lepakawn Mar 17, 2009 share this

Still prefer "Yevil". =)