Sunday, August 09, 2009

Majulah Singapura..

Aw, I really really like this year's NDP! I think this might be the first time I did not fall asleep. Ha.. Usually I would fall asleep during the march pasts. I like the storytelling concept. I love listening to stories, even if I already know them. Oh I love Chapter 7: When I Grow Up. Ha.. The kids are so cute. Especially the "PSP helper" and the "President" one. The whole stadium went wah... XD

I'm surprised they got Gayle Something (sorry) to sing. She's not really very well-known right? I know she was in Singapore Idol but after that I've only seen her in kids central. How many adults watch kids central, right? But I thought her singing was very good.

I had a strawberry sundae (red and white) today to celebrate National Day. Ha.. I'm glad I love my country and am not resentful and wishing I was someplace else. =)

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