Thursday, August 06, 2009


The fact that I'm watching the "National Day drama", This Is My Home, on Ch 5 is proof of my lack of concentration.. The two boys acting the younger and older parts of the male lead are both very cute. :P I like the girl from Fighting Spiders. Although she's a brat at this point of the show. Eh, it's a little unconvincing in some parts.. Any considerate person would not just assume somebody not exactly local would not repulse fish eyeballs and chicken backside right? But I can't believe the teenage boy willingly did all those dance moves in the ktv scenes. Really funny. Haha..

I always switch on my comp to open my restaurant on fb and then I have no idea what to do while I let business run itself. I read of book recommendations in blogs that I want to read but I borrow them and not read them. Oops.

Feels like tomorrow is holiday already. Unfortunately tomorrow is a long day because I took the day off yesterday to see doctor about my stupid gastric and diarrhea. Somehow the fact that I've had this 3 times in the last one and a half months is not cause for any concern. Right. And then yesterday night in the Ch U show, Celebritea (or what it's called), Yvonne Lim was talking about how her mother died of stomach cancer. She had seen doctors several times who just told her it was just normal gastrics. She only found out it was stomach cancer after she had a full medical check up and by that time it was too late and she died in less than 2 months.

I do want to die of cancer though. Just so I know roughly how much time I have left to enjoy myself. Meanwhile, can't wait for tomorrow to be over!

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