Sunday, August 09, 2009

Made in Singapore

Wah today many posts. Ha.. Just watched 18 Grams of Love, a local film, on okto. I like it. Funny. Silly funny. But really sweet at the end too. =) It's about these 2 guys who decided to write love letters to each other's wives to test if they were having affairs.

Not made in Singapore, but there's this new song that I like called The Day I Died. It's about this guy who was having a really good day before he died. In an interview on Radio 1 last friday they were talking about how people (who loves this song) now worry a little whenever they were having a really good day. Like being extra careful crossing the road because in the song he got hit by a taxi. Ha.. Somebody was saying she was on the bus and the kids on the top deck were quiet and she thought about the song. =)

Gotta go running for the bus
Coat flying and i try not to miss it this time
but the driver's waiting and that's strange
kids on the top deck quiet for a change
and there's no rain and no roadworks
in the bus lane and all my hurts run away
and i'm smiling as im punching in

the day i died was the best day of my life
the day i died was the best day of my life
tell my friends and my kids and my wife
everything will be alright
the day i died was the best day of my life

The Day I Died - Just Jack

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