Sunday, November 29, 2009

Countdown to Christmas

I've been wanting to listen to Christmas songs since late September. Ha.. ScottMills on Radio1 kept teasing with snippets of Christmas songs because co-host Chappersthegrinch wouldn't let him play. =P

I just started playing Christmas songs. I thought it would make me happy because I like the Christmasy atmosphere but the oldies and instrumental ones just made me miss playing Christmas songs in my school bands.. Boo.. Sad.

Hopefully by this Christmas I will get what I want and it would be a happy one.

26 days to Christmas

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Alarm clocks from hell

Our Puzzle Alarm Clock is reminiscent of the popular 1970s IQ test games which required you to put different shaped pieces into their matching holes. When the alarm goes off, the pieces go flying! Quickly assemble the puzzle by matching the colors and shapes to turn the alarm off.

Our Puzzle Alarm Clock will continue to sound until all three pieces are put back into their matching holes ensuring that your butt is awake and will not fall back asleep!

Requires 3 AA batteries (not included.) Measures 7" wide x 6" deep.

The Laser Target alarm clock is designed to get your eyes open in the morning! When the alarm sounds, spring into action by shooting the bulls eye with your laser! When you finally hit the target, the alarm will turn off and you will be wide awake to start your day.

The laser gun requires 3 LR44 batteries (included) and the clock requires 3 AA batteries (not included.)

The Laser Target Alarm Clock measures 4" wide by 7" tall.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A rather friendly recruiter

This afternoon I received a call (yet another) from a recruiter for one of the many, many financial institutions here. Usually they make their pitch, ask if I'm interested in an interview, whether I currently have a job, etc. I was in a good mood because I was having a "mandatory break" (ha) and I was in a room all by myself. I must have sounded a lot less annoyed than the other people he had to call because he asked where/what my job was and said I sound happy with it. I just went, uh..laughed and gave a patronising "yes". I'm not extremely disgruntled but it's not the best job in the world.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

1 for me, 0 for the hag

This morning I was running a little late for work but I needed to buy breakfast at this little shop at the MRT station. I already knew what I wanted so I had the exact amount in my hands. A little dismayed at seeing a few people in the shop already. It's a really small place so 4 people is enough to make it crowded.

There was an old auntie, all vain and dressed up, holding some food and looking at the other stuff. I observed for a second and figured she's probably been looking at it for some time and won't be done soon. So I said "excuse me", because unlike her, my mind was made up and I just needed a second to grab the item and pay up. This bitch didn't budge and totally ignored me so I just reached over to take it. Upon which she turned around to join the queue because she didn't want me to pay before her. Which is flipping irritating enough because I would take less than FIVE SECONDS to drop the coins into the shop-owner's hands. The shop-owner is a very nice man and understands that many people are rushing to catch the train so usually is very quick. This stupid old hag had more things than me, did not have the exact change, obviously wasn't in a hurry, and yet didn't want to let me have that few seconds. How considerate. Stupid woman, you are the reason why we don't have a gracious society here.

And that's not the end. She's not obliged to help me in any way. I understand that. That's fine. That last paragraph didn't sound like I was fine with it. Ha.. But it was okay still.

So I stood behind her to wait to pay and this girl came in and wanted to buy some food. (Of course.) It's a small shop so she said "excuse me" so she can reach the food. I stepped aside BECAUSE I'M CONSIDERATE LIKE THAT. That ignorant hag thought I was trying to get closer to the shop-owner to pay before her. As if I'm as rude as her. She muttered in mandarin, "some people are so like that." "有些人就是这样" Complete with a disgusted tsk look on her face, like she's a bully victim! I'm so NOT going to let that slide. FYI, my normal voice isn't loud at all so I wasn't screaming at her. I said that girl said excuse me so I was giving her way, OK? “她说excuse me, 我是在让位 OK?" In a very irritated tone that propably suggested 白痴 at the end. I should have added "unlike YOU" because she completely ignored me when I said excuse me. She just kept quiet and kept her eyes in front. She might have looked slightly scared. Ha.. I think the shop-owner was a bit scared actually. Haha.. When he handed her her change he accidentally dropped a coin. I just gave him my money, checked that he checked the amount and left, before he could help her pick it up. HA!

Can I just clarify that I respect the elderly. I always give up my seat for the elderly and give them a smile. If they are smoking, I do not diao them like I do for smokers of other ages. But to me, elderly is really old. Old hags do not count. Chee ko pehs also do not count. This old hag looked like she thinks she's very posh, judging by the way she acted and dressed. I cannot stand this kind of delusional people.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thank You for Smoking

Because we're having problems of over-population? Ok, not very sure about that but I think less people in the world would be better. Especially no smokers to pollute our air.

Haven't seen the movie, just started reading the book. I wonder if smokers read/watch it. I've only just read the prologue, not very sure I know what the book is about.

"I'm certain that our next ... penalist," ths speaker hesitated, the word just too neutral to describe a man who earned his living by killing 1,200 human beings a day. Twelve hundred people-two jumbo jet planeloads a day of men, women, and children. Yes, innocent children, denied their bright futures, those happy moments of scoring the winning touchdowns, of high school and college graduations, marriage, parenthood, professional fulfillment, breakthroughs in engineering, medicine, economics, who knows how many Nobel Prize winners? Lambs, slaughtered by Nicholas Naylor and the tobacco industry fiends he so slickly represented. More than 400,000 a year! And approaching the half-million mark. Genocide, that's what it was, enough to make you weep, if you had a heart, the thought of somany of these ... victims, their lives stubbed out upon the ashtray of corporate greed by this tall, trim, nicely tailored forty-year-old yuppie executioner ...

The book was written in 1994, and the numbers only refer to Americans. I hate smokers, and I especially hate smokers who are parents and smoke with their children by their sides. 1,200 people, according to the book, die a day, including children. These are not children who smoke. They are killed by second-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke from their parents. What kind of parents kill their own children? Hello? If smokers don't care about the people in the street who inhale their second-hand smoke and die, fine. All that tobacco must have affected their brain capabilities if they can't see how selfish they are.

In the prologue, the chief spokesman for the Academy of Tobacco Studies related the story of Muran the Fourth, the Turkish sultan who outlawed smoking and would disguise himself and pretend to have a nicotine fit, begging people to sell him tobacco. If anybody give him something to smoke, Murad would behead him on the spot and leave the body there to rot.

"Myself, I'd like to think that we as a nation have progressed beyond the days of summary executions for the crime of pursuing our own definition of happiness."

Not when your happiness is built on innocent people's misery, you piece of shit. Murad should have executed people who smoke and not people who possessed tobacco. Although, drug traffickers should be punished more harshly than drug abusers. But you can't really compare drugs with tobacco because drugs don't harm innocent bystanders. If smokers only smoke in enclosed spaces, I really don't care if they want to kill themselves. I am entirely not against suicide. My problem is only with selfish bastards.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I've been using a very small laptop, with a small mouse, at work. I think it's a netbook but they tell me it's a laptop. Ahem. Anyway, when I use my laptop now it feels bigger. A little not used to my normal sized mouse. Ha.. They put me in a room by myself so I don't interact much with my colleagues. I'm just glad I haven't had to have lunch alone yet. Ha.. I don't really mind eating alone anyway. Still have some podcasts to listen to.

Oh, don't be mistaken that it's like I have my own office because people go in and out of the room I'm in. But I like the privacy. Would be better if the netbook I'm using isn't slower than a snail. I tried playing songs on it and they were played in slower speed. Oh well.

Have been surviving on about 6 hours of sleep everyday now and today I feel the least dead. Ha.. I was quite dazed on the first day. Ok, TV beckons!

Monday, November 09, 2009


To make the most of my last free week day for a long time, I went to watch This Is It again. =P I watched the non-digital one yesterday so I wanted to watch the digital one today. =) I sat closer to the screen, right in the middle of the row. I think I could have gone one row lower. There weren't anybody beyond my row so no heads blcking my view and the view was much bigger because I was sat further back yesterday. Why do people always choose the last row? Bigger screen is so awesome! Everything is clearer and bigger and more amazing. Ha.. There weren't people sitting directly beside me but there was a family one seat away on my right. The auntie sitting closest to me was obviously not interested because I could see the light from her phone from the corner of my eye, which would be really annoying if she was sitting right beside me. The point of going to the cinema is to have the only lights coming from the big screen in front of me. Any other light is disturbing and annoying. People are so insensitive. Can you hide your phone in your bag at least?

My favourite dancer is still the blonde. Hehheh.

Oh, nobody stayed for the bit after the credits so I was the only one left. I felt like I booked the whole theatre. Awesome. Ha.. But the cleaners came in very early to clean up. I just ignored them and pretended to be engrossed in my phone.

Sigh. So not looking forward to waking before the first light...

MJ's concert would have been Amazing

I love the toaster bit. Looks so fun! I know I'm extremely impressionable. I feel like learning dancing after watching This Is It. The dancers all look rather hot. Ha.. I've always wanted to learn tap dancing but unfortunately I think my legs are quite retarded. Electric guitar looks so awesome too. Urgh..

...Would they have put in all these rehearsal clips in his concert DVD...? They must have planned to right? Otherwise they wouldn't have filmed it. I don't want to say why I want this to be true. I'd rather he still be alive.

Oh I'm quite jealous of the dancers because they get to interact with him onstage and can watch his performance from below the stage when they're not needed up there. To be able to see him do his magic almost everyday. Wow. Ok probably not everyday. Oh the part where the choreographer was teaching the dancers the famous MJ c-thrusting move was really funny. Ha.. The choreographer was a girl and the dancers are mostly male.

I kept expecting the audience in the cinema to clap because the people in the film were clapping and cheering after he finished a song. People here are so dull. =P And almost nobody stayed after the credits. Fans should stay till after the long credits because there's a little bit at the end. But it's really a little bit so not everybody would be interested to sit through so much credits for it...

I like the MJJ Productions little clip at the very end. Bling blings dropping from his sequinned socks. Can't find it on youtube..

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Omg I want this

This is the
HOLIDAY KITTY TALKING BABBLE BALL. It's like a little ball that talks to pets when they interact with it. Actually you have to shake it for it to talk. I bought the regular one for cats and this is the Holiday version that says festive stuff like BAH HAMBUG! I want! Combines Christmas and cats. I love it. Christmas is coming! The onslaught of rain recently is really bringing the Christmas spirit. Even though I don't really celebrate it I still really like the Christmasy atmosphere. ScottMills on Radio 1 has started playing Christmas songs. Woohoo!