Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thank You for Smoking

Because we're having problems of over-population? Ok, not very sure about that but I think less people in the world would be better. Especially no smokers to pollute our air.

Haven't seen the movie, just started reading the book. I wonder if smokers read/watch it. I've only just read the prologue, not very sure I know what the book is about.

"I'm certain that our next ... penalist," ths speaker hesitated, the word just too neutral to describe a man who earned his living by killing 1,200 human beings a day. Twelve hundred people-two jumbo jet planeloads a day of men, women, and children. Yes, innocent children, denied their bright futures, those happy moments of scoring the winning touchdowns, of high school and college graduations, marriage, parenthood, professional fulfillment, breakthroughs in engineering, medicine, economics, who knows how many Nobel Prize winners? Lambs, slaughtered by Nicholas Naylor and the tobacco industry fiends he so slickly represented. More than 400,000 a year! And approaching the half-million mark. Genocide, that's what it was, enough to make you weep, if you had a heart, the thought of somany of these ... victims, their lives stubbed out upon the ashtray of corporate greed by this tall, trim, nicely tailored forty-year-old yuppie executioner ...

The book was written in 1994, and the numbers only refer to Americans. I hate smokers, and I especially hate smokers who are parents and smoke with their children by their sides. 1,200 people, according to the book, die a day, including children. These are not children who smoke. They are killed by second-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke from their parents. What kind of parents kill their own children? Hello? If smokers don't care about the people in the street who inhale their second-hand smoke and die, fine. All that tobacco must have affected their brain capabilities if they can't see how selfish they are.

In the prologue, the chief spokesman for the Academy of Tobacco Studies related the story of Muran the Fourth, the Turkish sultan who outlawed smoking and would disguise himself and pretend to have a nicotine fit, begging people to sell him tobacco. If anybody give him something to smoke, Murad would behead him on the spot and leave the body there to rot.

"Myself, I'd like to think that we as a nation have progressed beyond the days of summary executions for the crime of pursuing our own definition of happiness."

Not when your happiness is built on innocent people's misery, you piece of shit. Murad should have executed people who smoke and not people who possessed tobacco. Although, drug traffickers should be punished more harshly than drug abusers. But you can't really compare drugs with tobacco because drugs don't harm innocent bystanders. If smokers only smoke in enclosed spaces, I really don't care if they want to kill themselves. I am entirely not against suicide. My problem is only with selfish bastards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the movie! tho sometimes they talk so fast tt i cant catch everything. even the child is a motor mouth.

moivre pooped.