Monday, November 09, 2009

MJ's concert would have been Amazing

I love the toaster bit. Looks so fun! I know I'm extremely impressionable. I feel like learning dancing after watching This Is It. The dancers all look rather hot. Ha.. I've always wanted to learn tap dancing but unfortunately I think my legs are quite retarded. Electric guitar looks so awesome too. Urgh..

...Would they have put in all these rehearsal clips in his concert DVD...? They must have planned to right? Otherwise they wouldn't have filmed it. I don't want to say why I want this to be true. I'd rather he still be alive.

Oh I'm quite jealous of the dancers because they get to interact with him onstage and can watch his performance from below the stage when they're not needed up there. To be able to see him do his magic almost everyday. Wow. Ok probably not everyday. Oh the part where the choreographer was teaching the dancers the famous MJ c-thrusting move was really funny. Ha.. The choreographer was a girl and the dancers are mostly male.

I kept expecting the audience in the cinema to clap because the people in the film were clapping and cheering after he finished a song. People here are so dull. =P And almost nobody stayed after the credits. Fans should stay till after the long credits because there's a little bit at the end. But it's really a little bit so not everybody would be interested to sit through so much credits for it...

I like the MJJ Productions little clip at the very end. Bling blings dropping from his sequinned socks. Can't find it on youtube..


scAared said...

yeah i like the stardust ard his shoes at the end too... makes me feel his legend even more. ooh i like almost all of his jackets which he wore during rehearsals. they are big and messy and somehow i like them. i nv thot someone skinny could pull it off, but maybe cos he is MJ... got certain aura which holds everything annd anything up? hoot...

yevil said...

yah i like all the oversized jackets. except e blue raincoat-like one. ha.. skinny ppl look nice in everything. i like the pointy-shoulder jacket. esp w e popeye black tshirt inside.

Anonymous said...

oh tt blue raincoat like jacket was the one i am most amazed (and like) abt!
