Sunday, January 06, 2008

Christmas is (finally) over..

I don't feel like changing my blogskin.. Cos I'm very nua and I like the layout here. And the "stars" in the black background.And got space to put song lyrics and whatnot here. But it's very Christmasy (to me at least) and Chistmas is over le. All 12 days of it. But it's still winter and snow season somewhere else in the world, so I dont't care, I'm just leaving it as it is. =P

Don't really have anything to write except that French classes have started again.. But the class is much smaller so I'm a bit sian. I'm wondering if I'm very anti-social. When I went in, two new girls were sitting at one side, next to each other, and a guy from the previous class was sitting at the opposite side. I went and sat at my old place, which was a few seats away from the guy. The guy previously sat at the back of the class, i.e. perpendicular to the sides. The next two people who came in sat beside me. And I was wondering why people sat so close to me. Was I supposed to sit beside that first guy? Oops. Anyway another girl came in and filled in the hole so there were no gaps between people. Am I anti-social? I thought it's normal to leave some space..

I was a bit sian in class because we had to introduce ourselves again. I hate introducing myself. As in supposed to write and say stuff about ourselves in French. Was trying to think of more interesting things to say, other than the usual bore.. I said I was wearing black shirt black jeans ('cos we learned colours and clothes before) and that I like black. Ha.. Bo liao..

Two people from the previous class didn't turn up. I wonder who they are.. I hope it's the more interesting people. =P As in people who talk more in class. Just because I'm quiet in class doesn't mean I like the class to be quiet.. Chris always "apologises" for being too loud/talking too much. I wonder why. Long time ago, had lunch at her place with her bro and mum and obviously they were talking amongst themselves so I kept quiet. And then the bro said either they were too loud or I was too quiet. Ahem. Your family talking, what you want me to say? And I didn't want to say anything rude in front of the mother so basically I couldn't say anything. Haha..

Ok enough for today. Will try to write more, so my English will not deteriorate...

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