Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year! And it's still Christmas..

Eh actually I very nua to blog. =P But very long never blog le so crap a bit here. Damn, what a nua start to a new year. Been playing Harvest Moon on my PSP a Lot. It's an extremely lame game.. But it's very long and I want to know how it ends so I've been spending a lot of time on it.

Mind block...

Survivor: China ended liao.. So sad.. I'm always sad when Survivor ends, even though I do want to know who wins it in the end. Sort of miss those people after watching them for so long.. But I think most people don't look better after putting on weight and make-up in the Reunion show. Ha.. Wonder when's the next Survivor airing here. Would have missed the show more if not for Christmas distractions..

I'm still extremely sian. Hai..

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