Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I was going to have a happy post today because my Shinedown CDs arrived yesterday. And then I saw on CNA on the bus after work that Heath L. died. I was so stunned. The last two nights I had dreamt that two extended family members died. (One on each night.) The first one I woke up in the middle of the night and cried. I think there's only one person I would cry for. And then I went to work and my eyes were so itchy and then I got a cold and these people kept coming into my office and talking SO LOUDLY and they were talking so much I just wanted to shove them all out the door. That was yesterday. Second dream was just disturbing. And then this happened today. I pray and I hope that these are not signs. I pray and I hope that something is not happening, I pray and I hope that something never happens. Why are so many people dying? In reality or otherwise.

I thought I knew some things. I guess I know but... Maybe I'm the only one who knows. ...I need an anonymous blog.

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