Monday, September 07, 2009

Extraordinary People

Watching World's Strongest Toddler now. It's an episode of Extraordinary People ( The boy developed loads of muscles since he was born. He's adopted and I think they didn't mention his biological parents. His birthday is 1 September 2005 (Happy Belated Birthday Liam!) and he was three when they shot this documentary. They were testing his strength and put him through various exercises to test his strength and had another 3-year-old boy as..what's that term called? A constant? Erm, the normal one lah. Anyway little Liam of course did super well-he did 17 situps whereas the other kid could hardly do one. Poor other boy! He must feel so small. Ha.. But the adults were all really nice and encouraging and the atmosphere was very light-hearted so I hope he wasn't scarred by the experience. Ha..

Next week's episode is Tiniest Toddler. The little girl looks so cute!! Really really tiny. But the trailer said they don't usually live to adulthood so it's sad. Should be different from midgets then. Sorry, is that an offensive term? The series is very interesting. It's on okto, Mondays at 10pm.

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