Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My face is sore from all the smiling =D

Did you watch the EMMY?? =) I loves NeilPatrickHarris. I always try to watch award shows to see people glammed up. Ha.. How shallow. And just to see what's good to watch etc. The only thing I remember of last year's Emmy was Josh Groban singing a medley of TV tunes. That was very good. This year, every bit with NeilPatrickHarris was awesome. Hahahah..

This, especially.

And of course the opening number:

My favourite line, a reference to a pretty girl in Mad Men (even though I haven't watched the show yet), is: “She could turn a gay straight; oh wait, never mind, there’s Jon Hamm.” I wonder if it was written in because he's gay. =P I wish I can sing like that. And have enough breath for that long list of TV stations!

Of course I'm bias but a few people on the show, in their acceptance speeches commended him. =) His fan site:

Glossing over the fact that (if you haven’t heard) Neil was robbed once again and even without Jeremy Piven being nominated, he lost the Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series award to Two and a Half Men’s Jon Cryer, the show has been getting rave reviews. If you watched the ceremony you’ll have seen many of the presenters praising Neil’s handling of the show, Jon Stewart in particular.

And the compliments don’t stop there. There are reviews of the show all over this morning and they’re all incredibly positive about Neil and the way the show was put together. There’s USA Today, Los Angeles Times, the LA Times Awards Insider, Entertainment Weekly, Zap2it, StarTribune, Reuters, the Arizona Republic and The Celebrity Cafe, to name just a few.

Emmys broadcast is a hit, and it starts with Harris

By Robert Bianco, USA TODAY
Neil Patrick Harris? So. Much. Better.
If Sunday night's CBS Emmy broadcast was the best in years — and it surely was — much of the credit goes to Harris, the show's dapper, constantly congenial host. Proving his Tony Awards stint was more than a flash-in-the-reward-show-host pan, Harris rescued the show from two years of reality-host miasma with style, grace and musical flair.

The tone was set from his opening number, a hilarious song salute to the TV season that was as well-written as it was performed. It was an intentionally elaborate shift from last year's infamously deadly start — the reality quintet confessing they had nothing prepared — and it did precisely what it was meant to do. It let the crowd at home and in the theater know they were in the hands of someone who took the job seriously and knew how to do it.


You can watch some of the videos on EMMYs.com

I was pleasantly surprised to see in the ending credits that NeilPatrickHarris is the producer of the show. Explains why the show was awesome. Ha..

I was trying to find a picture of Kristen Chenoweth accepting the first award of the night, Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy and the second most popular search on google was "Kristen Chenoweth Height". Haha.. I wanted to say that she looked so damn tiny on that stage! And she's my height. Goodness I'm puny.

I found these pictures of her and NeilPatrickHarris announcing the Emmy nominees last year. If you think she doesn't look that short, it's because she's standing on a box. And she's so skinny too.

Look how high her heels are! Without them she'll probably reach NeilPatrickHarris's shoulders. Which means I'm as tall as NeilPatrickHarris's shoulders. =)

Ok enough gushing for tonight. Here's the Emmy In Memoriam, Sarah McLachlan - I will remember you

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