Saturday, September 26, 2009


Being very kaypoh and patriotic, I read this msn article about celebrities linked to Singapore. The article was inspired by Chinese actress Vicki Zhao squashing rumours of an impending marriage to a Singaporean businessman, whom she's been dating for 2 years.

Referring to herself as a patriotic woman, Zhao said she loved her country deeply and 'will not get married with a Singaporean' - an less-than-subtle jibe at fellow countrywoman and recent Singapore citizen Gong Li.

Erm, does he know she doesn't intend to EVER marry him? You can still marry a foreigner and still retain your citizenship right? I'm not sure. I feel a little offended because she seems to imply that Singapore is beneath her, which I'm guessing is not her intention but I don't want to change my citizenship ever either. Plus, I think being a Singaporean is much better than..ahem. If you need me to finish that sentence please ask me privately. Ha..

Oriental beauty and acclaimed Chinese actress Gong Li also became a Singapore citizen last year amidst much controversy and accusations of betrayal from China netizens.

Rolling my eyes. Duh. Loads of people change their citizenships. Mind your own business. Why don't you yourself make a name for yourself and then not change your own citizenship? Gong Li has good taste. =)

Speaking of rolling my eyes, that Hong Kong drama on at 9pm has me doing that A LOT. I can't stand how the good people can't see how devious the villians are. I'm sure stupid people exist in the real world, but I can't stand them. (Aha, did you see that quiz that I took on fb? I'm kind, caring, but have low tolerance for stupidity. How accurate is that? Haha..) Anyway, a few weeks ago I read this reader's comment in the papers about Hong Kong dramas despite being like local Chinese dramas, have a lot of fighting in families and being perhaps a little too...I want to say "drama" but I want to use better English...over-dramatic? However, the reader said, Hong Kong dramas also have many sweet moments of family bliss and that's what make Hong Kong drama series more popular than ours. I agree. Just when I really can't stand that stupid woman, tables turn and the good guys get the upper hand. I would prefer the villians to be more likeable though. That's not impossible. Maybe they don't want to confuse the kids watching.

If you don't know about that Hong Kong drama about a rich abalone family, it's mainly about the second wife wanting to get half the man's assets after he dies. Actually I really like the premise of this. The first wife, many years ago, had cancer and wanted this second wife to marry him after she dies to take care of the family. However, she recovered. She didn't want to let the second "wife" down so was willing to let him marry her as the second wife. However, at this time, she was damn unlucky because the government just outlawed polygamy so he couldn't take a second wife. Not sure why she didn't leave at this point but she stayed and bore the guy a son.

Now, she is really bitter that she isn't legally his wife and wants lots of his money as compensation because she thinks she deserves it. She did some bad stuff, got kicked out, first wife's cancer came back and died, and the man just died in today's episode. That's a damn long introduction. Ha.. Are you still reading?

Anyway, second wife's son has a girlfriend whose family has read about his family's scandals in the papers and, misunderstanding, tells him he should not fight for inheritance and should be independent, and something to the effect that mothers are all faultless. Cue major eye roll. Thanks. I just heard recently on BBC that a mother killed her children to hurt her husband. I'm sure there are plenty of fantastic mothers out there who are selfless and love their children etc etc, but ALL mothers are faultless? That's bullshit. There are always exceptions. And there are exceptions to that sentence too.

So anyway, the son felt bad and the mother was telling him to attend a press conference with her to skew the truth a little, otherwise she would disown him. I must add here that he is very close to the good guys and lived with the family even after they kicked his mum out because he's a good boy. At the press conference a reporter asked him to describe his mother and he started saying good things and she looks mighty pleased. But after he started giving anecdotes, she realised he was talking about the first wife and she was furious but couldn't say a thing. Eventually he reveals who he was talking about and everybody got worked up and he said somebody told him "mothers are faultless" and he felt really sad hearing that because his mother was the exception. Aw... So sad for him but you should see that woman's face. Ha.. He also said he wished his real mother was the first wife. At least he did have a good mother even if she wasn't the biological one.

On a side note, didn't realise I missed dooce's blog until I read it after a while. Been listening to Scott Mills so much I keep hearing English voices in my head.

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