Monday, November 09, 2009


To make the most of my last free week day for a long time, I went to watch This Is It again. =P I watched the non-digital one yesterday so I wanted to watch the digital one today. =) I sat closer to the screen, right in the middle of the row. I think I could have gone one row lower. There weren't anybody beyond my row so no heads blcking my view and the view was much bigger because I was sat further back yesterday. Why do people always choose the last row? Bigger screen is so awesome! Everything is clearer and bigger and more amazing. Ha.. There weren't people sitting directly beside me but there was a family one seat away on my right. The auntie sitting closest to me was obviously not interested because I could see the light from her phone from the corner of my eye, which would be really annoying if she was sitting right beside me. The point of going to the cinema is to have the only lights coming from the big screen in front of me. Any other light is disturbing and annoying. People are so insensitive. Can you hide your phone in your bag at least?

My favourite dancer is still the blonde. Hehheh.

Oh, nobody stayed for the bit after the credits so I was the only one left. I felt like I booked the whole theatre. Awesome. Ha.. But the cleaners came in very early to clean up. I just ignored them and pretended to be engrossed in my phone.

Sigh. So not looking forward to waking before the first light...


scAared said...

bigger screen means you have to turn your head to see everything and so most prob i will end up missing something. haha...

yevil said...

no lah it was just nice to see everything. anyway its mainly just look at him mah. at least no need to be looking at both ends of the screen at the same time.