Sunday, December 10, 2006

Fool of a Took

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So funny. Hahaha.. I found this website about the hobbits, but only includes Pippin, Merry and Frodo. Apparently the owner doesn't fancy fat hobbits. Ha.. Actually it was only for Pippin =) called Dreaming of Pippin but it was remade and the other two were added. Under the "Fun" link, there are lists of 10 reasons to love each of the hobbits. The other 2 lists are kinda lacklustre compared to Pippin's.

10 reasons to love Pippin

1. His accent. Scottish guys have the best accents!
2. He's cute. Come on, he's adorable and you know it!
3. His sense of humor. You can't deny that we all want a guy who's not always serious.
4. He's loyal. This is a BIG plus, we don't a guy who's not loyal, what's the point.
5. He can sing. He has the voice of an angel.
6. You get a 2 for 1 special. Let's face it, him and Merry don't like being separated.
7. His look. You know you want to go up and hug and kiss him! You can't deny it!
9. He's outgoing. He always gets in trouble and jumps at the chance for an adventure.
10. Everything! You know you want him!

Number 6 sounds so gay! But it's funny. Ha..

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