Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Stumbled upon a Truth

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Art of Solitude

I guess this sounds strange coming from a blogger, but why don't people believe in solitude anymore? It has always bugged me, this depressing need to be around people all the time, to have them comfort you and massage your ego. What is wrong with just saying 'I want some time alone'? I guess the art of solitude died when the age of communication began. Now we feel that we can be with people all the time, via the internet/mobile phone/whatever.

It took me an age to eventually buy a mobile phone. I thought of them as a metaphorical umbilical cord. I felt that people were using them as if to say: 'Yes, I have friends. I know people. I feel safe.' By talking on the phone all the time, they were making up for their own insecurities. It is a very public way to demonstrate that you are actually a very popular, interesting person. See how interesting I am, people want to talk to me all day long.

I can also never understand why people feel they need to be around each other all the time. Whether it be partners/friends/family, what is wrong with just taking some time out for yourself? Time to read. Time to think. Time to do something creative. Why do we need to feel wanted all the time? Is it something about our insecurity? Who knows. The stupid thing is, I am writing this hoping that someone will read it and ease my insecurities. See, I am a failed sad loner.

posted by korova at 11:56 PM 7 Further Whispers


AlieMalie said...
good question. you seem to have answered it well though, people are too insecure to be able to be comfortable with themselves so they must constantly be surrounded by others.

12/08/2006 8:11 PM

neath said...
You miserable bastard.

Good for you!

I think blogging is different because it is something you can do in solitude and, if you choose, absolute anonymity. Most people that come over to your blog and start reading will probably do so because they are of a like mind and see something they might be interested in, or someone they might want to get to know.

I'm a miserable old curmudgeon myself, so I enjoy my me time- especially reading. I think it is very important to be able to have that time to yourself.

By the way- It is better to be a failed sad loner than a succesful one.

12/09/2006 10:45 PM

korova said...
Thanks aliemalie, I think we have become increasingly insecure as time has gone on. I wish I could spend more time exploring the reasons why this might be so, but I can't.

Neath - What can I say.........yay for me time!! And as for a failed sad loner......I think it was one of my heroes who said:

'I miss the comfort in being sad.'

12/09/2006 11:34 PM

Wes said...
I feel the same way, I just like being by myself most of the time. I and felt the exact same way about cell phones and how people used them. I still feel this way, even though I now have one. I didn't get mine to be mr. popular, it was simply just need. I hardly use it, only when I have no other choice. But I guess we are social creatures and are required to be around people all of the time. But for myself, I would just like to be alone most of the time. :)

12/10/2006 11:35 PM

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