Thursday, December 28, 2006

Yay! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yay! was my reaction when Heidi addressed Laura second on Project Runway. I think Jeffrey said she was like the evil stepmother early in the show before. That stupid woman actually said she wanted to win just so Jeffrey wouldn't. What the hell. Dream on. Anyway I liked Uli's and Jeffrey's collections so I didn't mind either winning. Erm I don't understand why the people interview after the runway show supported Michael. His final collection was quite bad? Some of the pieces look like the same design in different colours. Even if he had good designs previously doesn't erase the fact that his final collection...was bad. Sorry..

Actually I thought Uli would win cos hers were very pretty. I like her first half collection. Thought Jeffrey's blue dresses were going to do him in. Maybe if they were striped they would tie in with the rest of his collection. So funny the judges referred to them as the "nightmare" in his concept of Japanese comic/manga nightmares and demons. Yay I'm so happy he won! Yay yay yay...

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