Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Xmas season. Make a wish..

Check out the Xmas edition of 3 Little Pigs (video) on this blog ( ). Very cute. Quite predictable lah, but still cute. I like the last part at the window. Also look at the December 15 post, the Chanel Nicole Kidman ad. How come we don't have such beautiful and elaborate ads here? Even in that tiny screen it's still so beautiful. At least I think it's an ad lah. I don't really know what language that blog is in. I don't think it's french or german. Spanish? Italian? Hope I'll have a chance to work overseas in future. Better still, have the means to have ultra long holidays, plus have a companion or companions. If I can afford to pay for them then wah, I must be filthy rich. I doubt I can be filthy rich on my own though. So the only way is to marry rich. Any rich decent gay guy need a smokescreen?

Oh the blog guy's from Portugal so Portuguese? Oh he likes Love Actually. Me too! But he likes Titanic too. Hmm. I liked the part where the drawing of Rose has my birthdate on it. Ha.. I like the bits about Titanic and the passengers more than the love story. Anyway. Yay I'm so happy Channel 5 is finally showing it. Although I've seen it 3 times. I wonder if I can get the uncensored version here. They actually cut off one love story between a couple who met on the set of a porn film. I know this cos I read its screenplay. Wonder what the complete film looks like... Did I mention the boy is so cute?

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