Friday, December 08, 2006

Happy things

I am so happy! (!!) (Which reminds me, I was extremely happy yesterday that all 4 designers got into the finals, instead of eliminating one. !! Hurrah! So exciting. Can't wait to see what they came up with. I wonder if Laura is going to give birth before or after or during the show. Ha..)

Anyway I just took an online career test thing and here is part of my results:

While each job has its own unique set of tasks, most jobs involve one of three general work categories: Data, Objects, or Ideas. Work Tasks measures the type of work you most enjoy.

You most prefer working with Ideas

You take great pleasure in brainstorming creative ideas and having discussions about abstract concepts, which are activities that often involve collaborating with your colleagues. Not overly concrete, you'd rather be the one who comes up with the ideas than the one to figure out how to implement them. With a preference for creativity and theory, you probably have little desire to work with numbers or data.

Although you may not currently be in an occupation that involves working with ideas, being good at thinking creatively and channeling different theories and concepts into actionable ideas will help you excel in this area. You may want to explore Idea-heavy occupations such as an advertising copywriter, architect, a software developer, or a writer.

Hurrah... I wonder why I screwed up in aki though. Hm.

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