Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Pig, Out!

I'm starving right now.. And I can smell dinner...

Yesterday I had really really bad diarrhea. I was crying on the t-bowl. Boohoo.. Decided to take leave today so I can sleep in, and then I got a cold and couldn't stop sneezing. I officially hate the year of the Pig. Ok, quit whining you idiot. 4.5 hours to our dear Rat! I've got glitter all over my hands because I was trying to "construct" the lantern I bought in Chinatown the other day. I gave one to a penpal. I hope she doesn't get pissed off with all that glitter... =P I can't remember what I wanted to blog about.. I blame the flu med. Hopefully the Year of the Rat will indeed be G.R.E.A.T. for us RATS! Do you know how proud I am to be a Rat? Ha.. 'Cos we won the damn zodiac race using our brains. Yeah! We're smart and cunning. I don't think cunning is a bad thing so long as you don't abuse it and harm good people. Harm bad people!

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