Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Song of the day

First of all, *clapclapclap* to all the winners of Oscar.. *CLAPCLAPCLAP* to Brad Bird! For Ratatouille.

I was listening to this French/English song all day. After listening to French radio online for a few days in the office I finally have an almost French song that I really like. The first two days I was listening via a link on a list of radio stations and when I heard a song I liked I tried to write down a bit of the lyrics so I can find out what song it is. Had my pencil over the paper and I realise I don't know how to spell anything I heard. Oops. It doesn't help that the French don't pronounce all the letters in the words and like to link their words.. Anyway the reception was bad so I checked out the radio station's website and used their direct links to listen to their stations. Pluriel.. And they show the titles of the songs they were playing. Great! And they show the last 5 titles too. How generous.

Ok here's the song Même Si (what You're Made Of) Lucie Silvas Feat. Grégory Lemarchal:

And the lyrics:

Just like I predicted, we're at the point of no return
We can go backwards, and no corners have been turned
I can't control it, if I sink or if I swim
'Cause I chose the water that I'm in

Ne jamais devoir choisir
Avoir raison ou tort
Au-delà de mes faiblesses
J'ai la force d'y croire encore
Même si l'amour s'enfuit
J'en inventerai les couleurs
S'il est trop tard, pour revenir,
Je remonterai les couleurs

There's no way,
You're changing,
'Cause some things will just never be mine,
You're in not love this time...but it's alright.

J'aurai voulu t'offrir le meilleur de tout mon être
Au lieu de partir, entre nous tout faire renaître
Plutôt que de mentir,
Aborder nos différences
T'aimer autrement qu'à contre sens

And it makes no difference who is right or wrong
I deserve much more than this
'Cause there's only one thing I want
If it's not what you're made of
You're not what I'm looking for
You were willing but unable to give me anymore

Et ce dont je suis fait
Tout entier je saurai te le rendre
Même s'il faut tout apprendre, tout apprendre
What's your definition of the one?

Comment définir l'amour sans toi?
Mais prêt à tous les sacrifices je refuse celui là
J'aurai voulu t'offrir le meilleur de tout mon être
'Cause these are the waters that I'm in

Même si l'amour s'enfuit
J'en inventerai les couleurs
S'il est trop tard pour revenir
Je remonterai les heures
Et ce dont je suis fait, tout entier
Je saurai te le rendre
Même s'il faut tout apprendre
Même s'il faut tout apprendre
Même s'il faut tout apprendre

The only translation I found was really bad.. So I tried to translate myself. Challenging sia.. And takes some time.. The only line I really knew was Comment définir l'amour sans toi? Which means How do I define love without you. Which you might not need to have known French to figure that out..

So then, after listening to it several dozen times, I googled Lucie Silvas to see which album the song was in and looked at her wikipedia entry. Which of course had a link to Grégory Lemarchal. And what do you know? Grégory Jean-Paul Lemarchal (May 13, 1983 – April 30, 2007)

At twenty months of age, he was diagnosed with the hereditary disease cystic fibrosis. In 2007, Lemarchal announced that his health was deteriorating and that he was ordered by doctors to take a few months off in order to recuperate. However, he died of complications from cystic fibrosis on the morning of April 30, 2007, waiting for an organ transplant.

There is no cure for CF, and most individuals with cystic fibrosis die young: many in their 20s and 30s from lung failure.

Are you kidding me? Can people stop dying for a while? The Oscars had a little video in memory of all the film people lost over the past year. I don't remember there having this segment in previous Oscars.. If I were him, at the moment that I realise I'm dead, my ghost will look at my dead body and say Fuck, what the hell happened?? You remember that Taiwanese actress who got into that horrible accident? I read that in her coma, before she died, a tear ran down her face. He must have felt the same.

Ok, enough about...that.. Have to sleep now..

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