Thursday, February 28, 2008

Twos and eights

Today is such a nice date. 28022008. And since it's such a nice date I shall not talk about what I've been talking about, like, every other post, or more.. Today I got to draw cartoons for work. So much better than reading old newspaper articles. Although some stories are interesting lah. I like to know stuff..

What else shall I write about...? Ah, I have a french test this Saturday. I don't need to pass it to take the next level but I'd like to get full marks for it. Ha.. I just fear for my listening and speaking.. Listening more than speaking. My listening is so bad I usually have no idea what people are saying at all. I just catch some words and guess the gist of what they said. Sigh..

Oh the other day my french teacher asked us to draw plans of an appartment on the board and describe the rooms. We have a small class so all of us could have a go. I'd only drawn the first door and my teacher asked if I'm an architect. Is it that obvious?? Ha.. I didn't want to bother explaining (and wasting everybody's time) so I just said erm, yah. =P

Because our class is so small, the next level might only have one class and probably my teacher won't be teaching us. Actually I was supposed to be in the first class but I switched with somebody. Think I wrote about that already. I'm afraid that the other class is much more advanced than us. Because our class's door is always open for latecomers.. The other class's door is usually closed by the time I go to class. Ha.. So I think they are more enthu. And for your information, I'm usually not the last to arrive in class even though I'm always late.. The last lesson I was 15min late and I was only the second one. The girl who was first said she shouldn't have bothered to take a cab. Ha.. So poor thing. But I'm surprised she didn't think everybody would be late. Oh, I think because two guys were usually on time but one didn't come and the other was late. Anyway the teacher gave us mini mandarins, which was really sweet - both the gesture and the fruit. I think I'll miss our small class because we really get more attention...although I also have to provide answer more frequently.. But that shows that I'm smart so I don't mind that much. Hahaha...

Erm, actually I haven't really studied for the test yet. =P Just looked through my notebook a little and tried reading short short short stories in french. Oh and I attempted to translate that song in the last post. Damn the song really has a lot of R's. I hate that consonant. =P So troublesome to pronounce. I can hardly read the lyrics along with the song. Oh but I discovered a conjugation all by myself! I'm so proud of myself. Ha.. If you haven't noticed, I either have a very big ego or I'm easily pleased with myself. Ha..

Ok shall go to sleep soon so I can study french tomorrow. Byebye..

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