Sunday, February 24, 2008

To the poets

Ooo..watched another great movie yesterday.. Mystic River was great. I like. (Spoiler ahead) I'm so happy I realised who the killer was. The beginning made it look like it was obvious who did it but when it became so obvious and too obvious to be him. After I figured out who the killer was, I was wondering why nobody thought of him..

(Urgh I hate the Police & Thief trailer - which was just on TV. And the show itself. What a waste of Yann Yeo..)

The first movie I remember seeing of Sean Penn was The Thin Red Line, which I did a project on in sec sch. ...that was a bad experience...enough said... I think I remember liking the movie though. And then I really liked I am Sam too.

I sort of watched The Hours after Mystic River but I didn't really like it the first time I saw it I think. I found it a little boring.. I think I prefer watching a bunch of guys to (old) girls. Ha.. But Claire Danes was pretty in it. Did you know she was born just days after Heath Ledger? 12 April 1979 and 4 April 1979. I love my birthdate. =P

Virginia Woolf: Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more. It's called contrast.

Leonard Woolf: Who has to die?

Virginia Woolf: The poet. The visionary.

Well, apparently recently many of us have had to be reminded to value life more. Then maybe it wouldn't have been in vain.

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