Sunday, February 17, 2008


Yawn... Sunday is Nua-day.. I'm supposed to do several things this weekend but I have done none. Oops. Woke up very late today 'cos I watched The Pianist till 3a.m. this...morning. I'd already watched it before and because I loved it that's why I could make myself stay up till 3 to finish the whole film. Adrien Bordy has the same birthday as me! ^^ 11 years before me. Aiyah, one more year and he'll be a Rat too.. introduced his birthday as "exactly 61 years after the Titanic went down". Ha.. I'm proud to be associated with Titanic also lah. And I'm glad it was the day Titanic hit the iceberg and not the day after, in which it totally sank, so nobody died on my birthday. =P

Polanski had Brody live the loneliness and desperation of pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman, whose life serves as the focus of the film. Brody was left isolated and starving in Poland, having nothing but emptiness and hunger to help him concentrate. He lost 30 pounds and learned to play classical piano in seven weeks. And thanks to his talent and chilling portrayal, he won the Oscar for Best Actor, challenging four former award winners like Jack Nicholson and Michael Caine -- a Hollywood first.

Ok, what else did I want to blog about? Oh my colleague, that colleague, suddenly called me by the right name. Out of the blue. I was so surprised. I wonder how she realised she'd been using the (damn) wrong name and if she realised how annoyed I was. And if she'd stumbled upon my blog by chance..

I spent this afternoon watching Coffee Prince on wb's DVDs 'cos I missed some episodes. I realised Ch U cut out the gay lines, which was like, 3 miserable short lines? Prude! And the lines were really tame too. So dumb. Anyway I like the show 'cos this guy's name has one of my Chinese characters in my name. The exact same Ye. (Unfortunately he's sort of the "idiot" in the show.. But he's quite funny lah.) It's the very first time I've seen it that's not in a dictionary and not in my name. The closest was this Hong Kong actor's name which was a similar Ye with a different side. His was "fire" and mine is "sun". My character means bright light. Not just light, bright light. I think his is just light. Ha.. This Chinese girl I met in my previous French class said people who used the name will give the impression that they are intelligent and worldly etc. Oh, how nice. Ha.. But the name was given, amongst others, by a fortune teller for my parents to choose, so it doesn't really reflect much on my parents.. But the other part of my name I have no idea what it means. It sounds common but with that particular side in the character, it's not found in dictionaries now. I saw it in a super old dictionary before but I don't remember it. Even the Chinese girl didn't know. And even the old old Cheena man who comes into the office occasionally doesn't know either. He said he'll check but obviously he doesn't remember.

Oh the other day this tuition agency kept calling me and when I didn't answer she smsed me. Twice. When I replied her she told me it's for this Aki yr3 module. No wonder.. She must have felt like she struck Jackpot. Ha.. And she said it's near my place. Unfortunately I don't remember a single thing. And I think it's mostly project-based and linked with Design so it's not really the normal tuition he/she needs. Oh well, too bad..

Ok I must do at least a few of the things I meant to do this weekend. I've got french test after next week. *fingers crossed*

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