Sunday, February 03, 2008

Young Hossan Sighting

I used "young" and not "mini" because Hossan is already quite mini. Ha.. The other day I went with my bosses and a colleague to a talk at a certain institution, so the people attending the talk were professors, teachers and students, plus erm people from don't-know-where like us? Ha.. There was this guy sitting at the other end of the room and the more I looked at him the more he looked like Hossan to me. Which meant I kept looking at him. Ha.. But only because he looked a lot like Hossan.. Was wondering if he was related to Hossan. Ha.. After the talk I went outside to wait for the bosses 'cos I wasn't sitting with them and the guy was there waiting for his friend too. On a closer look, he didn't really resemble Hossan actually.. So sad.. Anyway I was erm much more excited about it that day but the enthusiasm died down so thank goodness I didn't embarrass myself here. Ha..

In other news, the colleague who keeps calling me by the wrong name, and whom I generally can't stand, is finally leaving in the foreseeable future! I think I've ranted too much about her and that must have built up a whole lot of bad karma for me so I shall try to be nice. Because of personal reasons, she doesn't know she's being sacked for doing a pussy job thus far and thinks I'm leaving with her, so I've been kind enough not to let her know the truth and rub it in her face. See, I'm not such an evil person.

Meanwhile, I haven't received my first half month pay yet and I'm quite pissed off. I told my boss who told the woman who keys into the system and she at first said she did key in and then after I complained again she checked again and apparently traced it and said it'll come in with the second half month's pay. I got the email pay advice for the second half and not the first so I seriously doubt the money for the first half will be in. Once upon a time last year, I had to leave early and I gave my key to the office to the two part-timers that she hired and put in our projects because they said they would be in half an hour earlier than me the next day so I thought it would be fine passing them my key for them to lock up. Everybody else in the office were out those few days doing research. I told my boss about it. The next day I saw no sign of them, waited, and then went up to That Woman's office, whom she shares with many many people. She was not there and nobody knew anything about those two part-timers and my boss also didn't know anything so I had to look for this other lady who sometimes came into our office to do some work. Except I didn't know her last name or which block she was working at. Luckily somebody sort of knew her and told me. Turns out, the part-timers weren't going in so early and had given my key to That Woman, who told NO ONE about it, happily going to a meeting and she had to know I was going to our office in the morning and would need the key. Bloody hell. She could have just passed the key to somebody and leave instructions. She didn't even tell my boss she had my key. Bloody moron. So can you blame me for not trusting her? If my money is still not in I will be giving her a very black and BU SHUANG face when I confront her. I'm so looking forward to it.

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