Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I just realised I hadn't ripped my Shinedown CDs into my laptop. I can't believe I forgot to do that. I ripped the songs into my computer at work and I didn't on my laptop. I copied the songs into my mp3 player using the work computer so I guess that's why I forgot. I am loving their song Some Day today. And t. whitney has an absolutely adorable little boy. Ha.. I started reading her old posts after I finished dooce's. (Links on the side of the blog *points*) Almost finishing because she doesn't have that many entries and because I read some of them last year already. That boy is so cute. =P So cute! I wish I were related to them so I can play with her kids. They're all cute. =) She has 4 kids. So fun. The first two look alike and the other two look alike. I wonder what a 5th one would look like. Ha.. So cute so cute.. And now Shinedown's Some Day reminds me of him. I was put the song on repeat on my player just now and it made me miss my stop. -.-' At least it was just one stop and not that far. And I was playing with the play speed function on the bus. The faster it was, the higher the pitch. At the highest speed it was so funny. Ha..

Ok found a video with the song:

A lot of people like Mr. Darcy huh? Other songs that I like also featured him. Maybe I'll watch the movie. But there's a lot of films I want to watch but haven't. That film always remind me of the module I took that was about translating classic literature to film because we did Jane Austen's book. I miss studying lit.. Unfortunately a lit degree is quite useless.

I wanted to upload some pictures that I took with my phone in the office 'cause I was bored but the phone's bluetooth can't detect the laptop. I don't know if it's the phone or the laptop but the laptop's a little crazy in other ways too. I wonder if it's reason enough to get a new one.. But it feels like I'll be wasting money. Sigh. I should carry my camera around more often anyway. I will show you a picture of my design studio in aki instead:

I like this so much I bought another lion to put in my office before Chinese New Year. =) Tomorrow bring camera to office. If you nose around the background you can see some junk on my table and there are comic strips of Calvin and Hobbes. My office table only has pin-ups of work junk.. Oh actually I think I have pictures of my office table. Hang on...

The koala bear was given by a colleague who went Australia. I like my calendar. Think it's quite cute. Glad I chanced upon it! The sweets are scattered there in case I get a cold. That's the most colourful spot of my table. Ha.. Tomorrow take more pictures. Maybe dig out more stuff to decorate my office table. =)

Bonne nuit mes amies!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


'ello! Welcome to the new blog add... Finally finished changing the layout. Oh yah, Happy Easter! My penpal said she sent me "special" candy. Ha.. Wonder what that is.

Yesterday my french teacher told me to read out the conjugations of a new verb. And he said my pronunciation was perfect. C'est parfait. Oh how kind. Ha.. But he sounded surprised so that means my pronunciation isn't that good usually. Ha.. But I read very slowly.. At least I feel less lost in french class now.

Time for dinner. Tata~

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I finally had my fringe cut. When I walked out of the place I was like, wow I can see clearly. Ha.. And then I saw this very cute plump white cat. Plump is cute. Fat is...ahem. It meowed at me and walked around me. So friendly.. I gave it cat treats 'cos I bought a pack a couple weeks back to feed another cat which meowed at me. Reward for being cute. Ha..

I'm reading this book The Art of Murder by José Carlos Somoza. There's a description of the girl:

Bassan sometimes told her that her face could look kind and heartless at the same time, 'like an angel who has nostalgic memories of being a devil'.

Cool. Does that description fit me? Ha.. She's not the murderer, by the way. Actually I'm not very sure yet where she fits in. Maybe the probable next victim?

Somebody told me that my blog is too wide and needs to be scrolled to the left/right to be read. How come nobody told me? I'm using a widescreen laptop so it looks perfectly ok to me. I'm changing the blogskin soon anyway 'cos even La Nina is not making the weather here cold anymore so the snowman is melting away.

I wonder if the Olympics people regret choosing Beijing.. But 080808 is such a nice number and appropriate for China. They better not screw it up. But then it would make our Youth Olympics look SOOO much better. Ha.. I hope I can be part of that somehow.

Ok bedtime. Good night.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bleah. This season's Survivor is really bad. I liked Joel and then he kinda acted rather annoyingly and then he got voted off. Ozzy is mean and evil and not very likeable. I still don't like Cirie. I don't even feel like spelling her name right. She is so annoying. I don't know why people are listening to her when it's so obvious that everything she says is for her own benefit in the long run. And then those two people who are so damn nua and look like they do nothing at all. One of them is gone but that moron could have got Ozzy voted off today and that would have been his biggest contribution, ever. But because his foot hurt so he wanted to leave. That guy is so nua I really wonder why he even signed up for the game. I'm sure they edited away some stuff that he did do but it's very obvious he really cannot make it. Was he sabotaged and put on the island? Oh, and Jonathan had to leave to get an operation on his knee. Ouch. He was the only remaining favourite that I enjoyed watching again. That sucks.

Oh today is the finale of Hell's Kitchen on Ch5. It's so fun to see Chef Ramsay screaming at them. Ha.. If you don't know what the show is about, it's basically reality TV for chefs. By the time I started watching it there were only 6 chefs left. But I think it's usually towards the end that the show is more interesting. The test of every episode is to cook for the restaurant. One episode was really damn funny. Chef Ramsay is always barking at people, fierce etc. The kitchen is a sort of open one and the restaurant is usually very busy 'cos sometimes the chefs mess up. This woman customer was unhappy about something and wanted to talk to Chef Ramsay and was standing there trying to get him to pay attention to her. He was very impatient and annoyed and just said Get your breasts off my hotplate, waving his hand to shoo her away. That woman was so offended and pissed off she overturned several dishes and stormed out of the restaurant. Her friend was behind her and she looked so frigging amused. Ha.. Chef Ramsay was like, oh shit I did something bad but I can't show it. So funny. Ha..

I don't mind either of the finalists in Hell's Kitchen so I guess I won't be disappointed. I hope it's an exciting finale. Ciao!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's a dark, dark world...

I'm getting a little obsessed with the Egg Hunt in (fluff).. I go clicking in strangers' (fluff)books and I see many people with loads of things in their profile image and I think: these people are damn free. =P Actually I think there are many many very free people in facebook. It's not really a criticism. I'm just saying.. Or maybe they're just very efficient and can do many things in a short amount of time.

Anyway. I stayed late in the office today and there was a knock on the door. I thought it was a security guard, or some moron who thought the office was someplace else because there's a dumb sign on the door that does not describe what the office actually is. Anyway it was a man who wanted to borrow some raffia string. I don't know why he decided to be friendly and started asking questions about the office. Because of that stupid sign. Obviously I can't do anything about that sign because I would have, long ago. What creeped me out was that he asked about the Pringles that were sitting on our table in the middle of the office, which was not visible from the door. He saw it from the window which was somewhere behind me. Our office is in the basement and the window is the back of a spectators' stand. Was that a clear description? Anyway it was a little creepy that it was dark and somebody was peeking through the window because it wasn't that the Pringles was just beside the window. It was almost in the middle of the room and two machines were sitting right in front of the window.

Obviously I wasn't murdered by some creepy guy at the office.

And then I went home by bus. And alighted at the old police academy, where the bus stop had a huge poster of MSbK, brightly-lit, and this Malay man was standing right in front of it. I didn't think the man looked very much like MSbK, but I was already paranoid and the place was near where he escaped and it was super dark and there was nobody else around, not even at the academy where there usually were people playing hockey. Plus, I was also reading this book called The Art of Murder. (Explaining the paranoia here.) I stood at the other end of the bus stop and couldn't help looking at him. I think it was very obvious to him that I found him suspicious. Poor man. Haha.. Oh and he had a limp too. I saw it when he walked over to the rubbish bin. Later another man also alighted at the bus stop and he didn't do anything either. But I'm quite sure it wasn't MSbK anyway. I'm usually good at recognising faces. In fact, I think I saw a senior from sec school band today.

Ok, that's the end of my creepy evening. Good night!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Easter is a-coming~~ I just saw Facebook (fluff)Friends has an Egg hunt thing going on. You can find eggs while visiting your (fluff)friends. So fun! Ha.. Real egg hunt will be funner.

After finishing my meds all the pain gone le. I hope they don't come back. But, now my arms are aching. *whine whine* I went to the IT show on Sunday and lugged back a damn frigging heavy printer. I think it was the only label that didn't give a trolley with it. Lucky me. Because there was a jam and long queue at the taxi stand (and because I thought I had the strength), I took a bus which was just outside the convention hall. Of course I wouldn't lug that thing on the train. Do I not have a functioning brain? Maybe I should have sat down on the bus. I was already a little tired after I got down from the bus. I had to cross an overhead bridge, go up a flight of stairs and walk about..8 blocks? At the bus stop this very helpful guy offered to carry it for me up the bridge. So paiseh. As much as I appreciate people's helpfulness, it's also very embarrassing that people think I'm overestimating myself. -.-" I kinda don't really want witnesses to my idiocy. Ha.. But anyway I can solve this kind of problems loh. I either just take very long or find other solutions. After lugging it across the bridge and down the bridge I just took a cab back. Should have just taken a cab at the bus stop.. I happened to take the lift with my neighbour and she offered to help me carry too. I just happen to be smaller so things look bigger with me.. But the printer really is huge.

See evidence:

Does it look big in the pics? I know the colours of the door and floor don't match. Oh we hung a lantern under a light near the door. When only that light is on at night, the lantern twirls and the light is pretty..

Ok, good night, will blog again tomorrow..

Friday, March 07, 2008

Because this is my blog, I get to whine as much as I like

Urgh, I've been having this stupid gastritis for the past three days. Finally saw a doctor today but the meds don't seem to be working.. And I have a headache and fever now. Why must the fever come after I see the doctor. I have no idea if I can take panadol with the other meds. Actually, I forgot to tell the doc I took panadol before this gastritis hit. I took Tuesday off because I worked over the weekend to do something for the boss. I must complain about this stupid boy in a later post. Anyway, I went out for lunch and then felt a little feverish so I slept the whole afternoon and then took a panadol in the evening. And then I got this stupid gastric pain at night. And I feel so bloated. And I've been waking in the middle of the night to pee.

Pain..pain...pain... Even my eyes feel hot.. Did you read the title of this post?

Oh, and I just noticed that a screw on my specs is missing. Kns.. Must bring to the shop to see if they can put another screw in. Well, they had better..

Damn I forgot what I wanted to blog about. I don't really like whining that much really.

It's time for Survivor! It was starting to bore me and look like it's a dating show.. It's the Fan versus Favourites season and there are 2 couples in the Favourites now. They seem not as interesting to watch this time around. PLUS, why in the world in Cyrie in the Favourites?? Whose favourite is she?? She is so damn annoying. I hate her. Thankfully today they're going to mix the tribes. Yippee! I couldn't differentiate the two skinny boys in the Fans tribe until last episode where they spoke and took different sides at tribal council. And, Ozzy was so Ozzy in the challenge last week. Ha..

Ok I'm off to watch Survivor. Hope that annoying (Cyrie and) sharp gastric pain and fever will go away permanently.