Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I finally had my fringe cut. When I walked out of the place I was like, wow I can see clearly. Ha.. And then I saw this very cute plump white cat. Plump is cute. Fat is...ahem. It meowed at me and walked around me. So friendly.. I gave it cat treats 'cos I bought a pack a couple weeks back to feed another cat which meowed at me. Reward for being cute. Ha..

I'm reading this book The Art of Murder by José Carlos Somoza. There's a description of the girl:

Bassan sometimes told her that her face could look kind and heartless at the same time, 'like an angel who has nostalgic memories of being a devil'.

Cool. Does that description fit me? Ha.. She's not the murderer, by the way. Actually I'm not very sure yet where she fits in. Maybe the probable next victim?

Somebody told me that my blog is too wide and needs to be scrolled to the left/right to be read. How come nobody told me? I'm using a widescreen laptop so it looks perfectly ok to me. I'm changing the blogskin soon anyway 'cos even La Nina is not making the weather here cold anymore so the snowman is melting away.

I wonder if the Olympics people regret choosing Beijing.. But 080808 is such a nice number and appropriate for China. They better not screw it up. But then it would make our Youth Olympics look SOOO much better. Ha.. I hope I can be part of that somehow.

Ok bedtime. Good night.

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