Friday, March 07, 2008

Because this is my blog, I get to whine as much as I like

Urgh, I've been having this stupid gastritis for the past three days. Finally saw a doctor today but the meds don't seem to be working.. And I have a headache and fever now. Why must the fever come after I see the doctor. I have no idea if I can take panadol with the other meds. Actually, I forgot to tell the doc I took panadol before this gastritis hit. I took Tuesday off because I worked over the weekend to do something for the boss. I must complain about this stupid boy in a later post. Anyway, I went out for lunch and then felt a little feverish so I slept the whole afternoon and then took a panadol in the evening. And then I got this stupid gastric pain at night. And I feel so bloated. And I've been waking in the middle of the night to pee.

Pain..pain...pain... Even my eyes feel hot.. Did you read the title of this post?

Oh, and I just noticed that a screw on my specs is missing. Kns.. Must bring to the shop to see if they can put another screw in. Well, they had better..

Damn I forgot what I wanted to blog about. I don't really like whining that much really.

It's time for Survivor! It was starting to bore me and look like it's a dating show.. It's the Fan versus Favourites season and there are 2 couples in the Favourites now. They seem not as interesting to watch this time around. PLUS, why in the world in Cyrie in the Favourites?? Whose favourite is she?? She is so damn annoying. I hate her. Thankfully today they're going to mix the tribes. Yippee! I couldn't differentiate the two skinny boys in the Fans tribe until last episode where they spoke and took different sides at tribal council. And, Ozzy was so Ozzy in the challenge last week. Ha..

Ok I'm off to watch Survivor. Hope that annoying (Cyrie and) sharp gastric pain and fever will go away permanently.

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