Friday, March 14, 2008

Bleah. This season's Survivor is really bad. I liked Joel and then he kinda acted rather annoyingly and then he got voted off. Ozzy is mean and evil and not very likeable. I still don't like Cirie. I don't even feel like spelling her name right. She is so annoying. I don't know why people are listening to her when it's so obvious that everything she says is for her own benefit in the long run. And then those two people who are so damn nua and look like they do nothing at all. One of them is gone but that moron could have got Ozzy voted off today and that would have been his biggest contribution, ever. But because his foot hurt so he wanted to leave. That guy is so nua I really wonder why he even signed up for the game. I'm sure they edited away some stuff that he did do but it's very obvious he really cannot make it. Was he sabotaged and put on the island? Oh, and Jonathan had to leave to get an operation on his knee. Ouch. He was the only remaining favourite that I enjoyed watching again. That sucks.

Oh today is the finale of Hell's Kitchen on Ch5. It's so fun to see Chef Ramsay screaming at them. Ha.. If you don't know what the show is about, it's basically reality TV for chefs. By the time I started watching it there were only 6 chefs left. But I think it's usually towards the end that the show is more interesting. The test of every episode is to cook for the restaurant. One episode was really damn funny. Chef Ramsay is always barking at people, fierce etc. The kitchen is a sort of open one and the restaurant is usually very busy 'cos sometimes the chefs mess up. This woman customer was unhappy about something and wanted to talk to Chef Ramsay and was standing there trying to get him to pay attention to her. He was very impatient and annoyed and just said Get your breasts off my hotplate, waving his hand to shoo her away. That woman was so offended and pissed off she overturned several dishes and stormed out of the restaurant. Her friend was behind her and she looked so frigging amused. Ha.. Chef Ramsay was like, oh shit I did something bad but I can't show it. So funny. Ha..

I don't mind either of the finalists in Hell's Kitchen so I guess I won't be disappointed. I hope it's an exciting finale. Ciao!

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