Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I just realised I hadn't ripped my Shinedown CDs into my laptop. I can't believe I forgot to do that. I ripped the songs into my computer at work and I didn't on my laptop. I copied the songs into my mp3 player using the work computer so I guess that's why I forgot. I am loving their song Some Day today. And t. whitney has an absolutely adorable little boy. Ha.. I started reading her old posts after I finished dooce's. (Links on the side of the blog *points*) Almost finishing because she doesn't have that many entries and because I read some of them last year already. That boy is so cute. =P So cute! I wish I were related to them so I can play with her kids. They're all cute. =) She has 4 kids. So fun. The first two look alike and the other two look alike. I wonder what a 5th one would look like. Ha.. So cute so cute.. And now Shinedown's Some Day reminds me of him. I was put the song on repeat on my player just now and it made me miss my stop. -.-' At least it was just one stop and not that far. And I was playing with the play speed function on the bus. The faster it was, the higher the pitch. At the highest speed it was so funny. Ha..

Ok found a video with the song:

A lot of people like Mr. Darcy huh? Other songs that I like also featured him. Maybe I'll watch the movie. But there's a lot of films I want to watch but haven't. That film always remind me of the module I took that was about translating classic literature to film because we did Jane Austen's book. I miss studying lit.. Unfortunately a lit degree is quite useless.

I wanted to upload some pictures that I took with my phone in the office 'cause I was bored but the phone's bluetooth can't detect the laptop. I don't know if it's the phone or the laptop but the laptop's a little crazy in other ways too. I wonder if it's reason enough to get a new one.. But it feels like I'll be wasting money. Sigh. I should carry my camera around more often anyway. I will show you a picture of my design studio in aki instead:

I like this so much I bought another lion to put in my office before Chinese New Year. =) Tomorrow bring camera to office. If you nose around the background you can see some junk on my table and there are comic strips of Calvin and Hobbes. My office table only has pin-ups of work junk.. Oh actually I think I have pictures of my office table. Hang on...

The koala bear was given by a colleague who went Australia. I like my calendar. Think it's quite cute. Glad I chanced upon it! The sweets are scattered there in case I get a cold. That's the most colourful spot of my table. Ha.. Tomorrow take more pictures. Maybe dig out more stuff to decorate my office table. =)

Bonne nuit mes amies!

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