Monday, June 30, 2008

The Aftermath

I played badminton yesterday and I'm aching all over today. Ow. Actually just mainly my right arm. Tried to use my left hand more today. Damn, I'm so out of shape. But when I first started playing squash last year I was in A LOT more pain. I could hardly walk without feeling pain. That was bad man.. But it felt good yesterday to be playing active game. Although I was damn paiseh because I was playing a damn lousy game. Think I cock eye. =S Actually, even when I was on court, I was erm watching my partner running around. Ha.. Somemore it was a friend's friend. Paiseh.. =P

I want to learn new sport.. Maybe archery or fencing. But don't feel like learning alone. Should save money and really erm finish my tesol assignments. Oops. I think I'll have more time in a couple weeks anyway. Off to rest my arm..

Talk is cheap

Oh I have a quote from LOTR: The Two Towers that I watched on TV on Sat. Eowyn said to that disgusting guy. "Your words are poison." Seeing Gandalf and Pippin makes me happy. =) This is my favourite instalment of the LOTR trilogy because of Treebeard and the ents - the talking trees. I loved the scene of the ents kicking orc-asses. And I liked that deforestation was an issue raised. But it's sad that the problem was noted so long ago and yet so little, or at least still not enough, was done. The trees should be kicking man's asses as well.

But I digress. I wanted to blog this long time ago but didn't have internet access. Because I realise that talk is cheap and words are worthless. Why is it that when you say you're going to be 20 mins late, you only turn up 1 hour later? Giving me a shorter time does not make the waitig shorter. If you tell me 1 hour, or even 50 mins, I can make better use of my time. And will be less pissed. Much less. And why is it that when you say you're going to do something "tomorrow", it is still not done weeks later? Excuse me, did I put a gun to your head and demand that you do it by "tomorrow"? You gave the deadline yourself and you can't even keep it. Duh? You couldn't just say "within these 2 weeks" and take your time? Do you even think before you speak? Are you sure you did? Some people are just damn sloppy. If people don't see the need to keep their words I don't see why I should. But I'm a believer of "an eye for an eye" so I spare innocents. And I have integrity.

Joe Augustin was recently screwed over the last radio station he was in and is now on Morning Jam with Hossan and Shareen Wong. The story was that his partner was quitting because she couldn't juggle everything on her plate. They were on a one week break and were planning to return for a last week to explain to their listeners. But during that week of break the people on top decided to revamp the whole show and sacked him and there was no last week for them to even talk to their listeners one last time. Is going back on one's word the way of life? I'd rather be an outsider, thank you.

Anyway, I think this morning team is better than Hossan with Cheryl Miles, the girl who took over Maggie in Power 98's morning jam. Maggie went over to Gold.. =( Maybe she felt she was too auntie for the station but I like her auntie-ness with Hossan. So much funnier than Cheryl.. Cheryl makes Hossan boring. The new trio is funny too but maybe too many people so it feels like there's less talk. On their first day they were thinking of new names for the new morning team. A listener contributed "Cher, Joe and the 'Ho". So funny. I like. Ha.. I think they only used it that morning though. Yay I have reason to wake up earlier now. =)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yay I finally got internet access in my new laptop. The stupid helpdesk gave me the wrong password. Made me so pissed off when I couldn't get internet for so long. I called the technical helpdesk just now and I was so not awake that I spelled my name when she asked for my IC number. Oops. I want to change my blogskin. Or maybe I'll move to wordpress because I found some wordpress templates that I like. But I have no idea how to edit in wordpress so most probably will not be switching.

You know what I like best about this laptop, it has a fingerprint swipe log on system. So funky. Ha.. But when I was trying to register my fingerprints it kept telling me to swipe again because it couldn't detect. I swiped my fingers several dozen times and it still can't detect. Are my fingers too small or something? But I have fat fingers. In the end I only registered two fingers. But logging on is quite fun now. Ha.. Am transfering files from the desktop hard disk now before I can do anything much here. What I don't like here is that the surface heats up damn quickly so I can't type very comfortably. And this screen is so much smaller than I'm used to. What I hate most is the ultra sensitivity of the touchpad. I keep triggering it while typing. Oh I just discovered how to switch it off. Cool. Ha..

Anyway, I watched Deception couple days ago because Hugh Jackman was in it. Unfortunately it was quite boring.. I'm disappointed because I like Hugh Jackman. And Ewan McGregor is a great actor too. The story was just too predictable and not exciting enough. The actors themselves were great. Halfway through the movie I remembered Maggie Q was in the cast and was wondering when she'll come in and she came in in the next scene. And then she disappeared. Eh? Actually there was something quite interesting. They had this sex club where members had access to a list of the opposite gender and the list is just numbers. So you call any number and arrange to meet the person. So convenient. Ha.. But they didn't really fully expand on this idea to make the plot more sinister. Pity. Oh the story is that Ewan is this pathetic, lonely accountant at the beginning before he met Hugh who accidentally purposely introduced him to this sex club. Ewan had two zits on his forehead and another on his jaw. I wonder if he purposely grew them or he just happened to have them or the makeup artists put them there. At the beginning of the movie I was a little shocked/surprised that the guys looked er..kinda old. Everybody got older I guess. But there were so many lines on their faces.. But Hugh Jackman still looked very suave. Ha.. I was more startled that Ewan McGregor looked so much older than his Moulin Rouge days. I think he looked bad because of his character too lah. But, after getting the hang of the club, his complexion was significantly better. So...what is the moral of the story? Ha..

Oh, when I bought the movie tickets the girl asked to see my ID. I thought it was because I was using a voucher. She laughed and said I look so young. I didn't get it until I saw that the movie was M18. I don't look 18? Actually I'm usually quite sad when people guess my age to be 20 or more. Makes me feel old and sad that I don't look super young anymore. Haha.. Damn boliao. But the best thing about being above 21 is that I don't need to even see what rating a movie is. Although it helps inform what the movie is about.

Ok shall go and eat now..

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The End

I only realised in the middle of Friday that it was Friday the thirteenth. It was the worst Friday the thirteenth ever. Was damn pissed off.

Yesterday was the last visit of the contact lenses research study. Erm, a bit sad. Kind of got used to going there every week and sadly, it's one of the only times in the week that I talk to somebody, not online and sms. Erm, because I don't like talking to anybody in the office. =P Hope I find another job soon. *cross my fingers* The optometrist gave me a cheque instead of making me spend at his shop. I was going to buy contacts at his place. So now I have to buy somewhere else.. Today is the first time in more than a month that I'm not wearing contacts. I still don't like wearing spectacles all that much.. But since I overspent on these spectacles I must wear it a lot more.

Hmm, I think it's going to take a long time to back up all my files.. I bought a desktop external harddisk since I don't need to bring it around anyway. 500gb for $149. Shall be transitting to my new HP laptop for the next few days. One of the freebies was this thumbdrive shaped like Po from Kungfu Panda. So cute. Ha.. But it's only 1gb. Better than nothing.

Okie, off to watch Pushing Daisies. The guy is quite cute. =) And the story is quite interesting too. The guy brings a person back to life with one touch and with the second touch the person drops dead again. If he doesn't touch the person again within one minute another person drops dead. The show is pleasing to the eye. =)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yay getting new laptop tomorrow.. And I watched Kungfu Panda yesterday. Awesome. So funny. Some parts quite duh lah but overall was good. A little short though. The whole training scene was in the trailer. Was a little bored cos I had seen it so I just marvelled at the animation at those scenes. =P I guess it wasn't very long because maybe they wanted to finish the film before Beijing Olympics? Eh, during the fighting scene with the buildings crumbling and ground shaking, I thought of the earthquakes.. Ahem. Anyway, I think I saw some Kungfu Panda stuff related to HP Pavilion at the PC Show. Just nice, I wanted to get HP Pavilion too.

Kept forgetting to post pictures that I took in the office..

My cute tissue box

My personal junk

My mug

No idea why Goofy is angry..

To be continued...

Monday, June 02, 2008

Blessing in disguise

Few weeks ago an optometrist asked me to participate in a "research study", which basically means be guinea pig and try their new contact lenses for a month. Kf told me about their other research study few years ago so he asked if I wanted to do it again. I get vouchers to spend in his shop in return. Just nice that I need to be buying contact lenses soon. =P Anyway last Saturday I was there and I had to take out my lenses and one of them came out with a perfect round hole in the middle of the lens. I couldn't find that missing piece so I told him and he checked my eye to see if the missing piece was inside. Actually few years ago I tried this other brand of lenses and the dumb lenses kept tearing. I was quite pissed off. One time I couldn't find a missing piece and I'd been wondering if it was still in my eye but optometrists when checking my eyesight would not notice it. So now I'm sure it's not in my eye since he specifically checked it for me. Yay. Ha.. The optometrist said there'll be another study on overnight lenses. Wonder if he'll ask me again. Can save some money on contacts then but don't think I should do this to my eyes too often I guess. I wonder if overnight lenses would be comfortable..