Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yay getting new laptop tomorrow.. And I watched Kungfu Panda yesterday. Awesome. So funny. Some parts quite duh lah but overall was good. A little short though. The whole training scene was in the trailer. Was a little bored cos I had seen it so I just marvelled at the animation at those scenes. =P I guess it wasn't very long because maybe they wanted to finish the film before Beijing Olympics? Eh, during the fighting scene with the buildings crumbling and ground shaking, I thought of the earthquakes.. Ahem. Anyway, I think I saw some Kungfu Panda stuff related to HP Pavilion at the PC Show. Just nice, I wanted to get HP Pavilion too.

Kept forgetting to post pictures that I took in the office..

My cute tissue box

My personal junk

My mug

No idea why Goofy is angry..

To be continued...

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