Monday, June 02, 2008

Blessing in disguise

Few weeks ago an optometrist asked me to participate in a "research study", which basically means be guinea pig and try their new contact lenses for a month. Kf told me about their other research study few years ago so he asked if I wanted to do it again. I get vouchers to spend in his shop in return. Just nice that I need to be buying contact lenses soon. =P Anyway last Saturday I was there and I had to take out my lenses and one of them came out with a perfect round hole in the middle of the lens. I couldn't find that missing piece so I told him and he checked my eye to see if the missing piece was inside. Actually few years ago I tried this other brand of lenses and the dumb lenses kept tearing. I was quite pissed off. One time I couldn't find a missing piece and I'd been wondering if it was still in my eye but optometrists when checking my eyesight would not notice it. So now I'm sure it's not in my eye since he specifically checked it for me. Yay. Ha.. The optometrist said there'll be another study on overnight lenses. Wonder if he'll ask me again. Can save some money on contacts then but don't think I should do this to my eyes too often I guess. I wonder if overnight lenses would be comfortable..

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