Monday, June 30, 2008

Talk is cheap

Oh I have a quote from LOTR: The Two Towers that I watched on TV on Sat. Eowyn said to that disgusting guy. "Your words are poison." Seeing Gandalf and Pippin makes me happy. =) This is my favourite instalment of the LOTR trilogy because of Treebeard and the ents - the talking trees. I loved the scene of the ents kicking orc-asses. And I liked that deforestation was an issue raised. But it's sad that the problem was noted so long ago and yet so little, or at least still not enough, was done. The trees should be kicking man's asses as well.

But I digress. I wanted to blog this long time ago but didn't have internet access. Because I realise that talk is cheap and words are worthless. Why is it that when you say you're going to be 20 mins late, you only turn up 1 hour later? Giving me a shorter time does not make the waitig shorter. If you tell me 1 hour, or even 50 mins, I can make better use of my time. And will be less pissed. Much less. And why is it that when you say you're going to do something "tomorrow", it is still not done weeks later? Excuse me, did I put a gun to your head and demand that you do it by "tomorrow"? You gave the deadline yourself and you can't even keep it. Duh? You couldn't just say "within these 2 weeks" and take your time? Do you even think before you speak? Are you sure you did? Some people are just damn sloppy. If people don't see the need to keep their words I don't see why I should. But I'm a believer of "an eye for an eye" so I spare innocents. And I have integrity.

Joe Augustin was recently screwed over the last radio station he was in and is now on Morning Jam with Hossan and Shareen Wong. The story was that his partner was quitting because she couldn't juggle everything on her plate. They were on a one week break and were planning to return for a last week to explain to their listeners. But during that week of break the people on top decided to revamp the whole show and sacked him and there was no last week for them to even talk to their listeners one last time. Is going back on one's word the way of life? I'd rather be an outsider, thank you.

Anyway, I think this morning team is better than Hossan with Cheryl Miles, the girl who took over Maggie in Power 98's morning jam. Maggie went over to Gold.. =( Maybe she felt she was too auntie for the station but I like her auntie-ness with Hossan. So much funnier than Cheryl.. Cheryl makes Hossan boring. The new trio is funny too but maybe too many people so it feels like there's less talk. On their first day they were thinking of new names for the new morning team. A listener contributed "Cher, Joe and the 'Ho". So funny. I like. Ha.. I think they only used it that morning though. Yay I have reason to wake up earlier now. =)

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